Day 5

283 7 1

~°• DAY 5•°~

You woke up.
You woke up but not in your bed. You slowly opened your eyes, just to have the view of the TV in the living room infront of you. You were lying on the sofa. And you felt like TRASH. One thing also bothered you-

A Vodka bottle.

"...the fuck..."
You quietly said to yourself.

You slowly built your upperbody up. Your messy aahh hair fell into your face, and it seemed that you were sleeping with your mouth open, cuz there was a bit of half-dryed spit line coming out of the corner of your mouth. You wiped it away with your wrist.

" Bleh.."

"... gross..."

"why am i feeling like that anyway?"

You asked yourself.
You stretched, and rubbed your eyes, before you carefully stood up. You were a bit dizzy, but not much. You checked the clock who was hanging on the wall.

* 04:32 a.m. *


You let your hands run over your face again, and took a deep breath as you rested your hands over your eyes.

You heard someones door open. Still kind of triggered from what happened with Shaun, you quickly looked up, and spotted the lil fox boi infront of you.

" Jesus Christ.. "

Ren:" I was gonna say the same. Geez, you look like shit."
He said in a sympathic tone.

" i think i cant look worse than i feel, or is it really that bad?"

He chuckeled.

Ren:" Well, uh, not to be rude or anything...but you look like you just drank your soul away"

"...Well, i feel like that too. Hey, do you know why i Was drinking "

Ren:" God, i wish i knew. You were really down last night..."

"...did...did i do anything...?"

"...fuck. what was wrong with me last night..?"

Ren:"...uh. Well, uhmmm. Lets just say that you were trying to uhm...OH LOOK AT THE TIME."

He def wanted to run away from the conversation.

" Ren..."

Ren:" No seriously! I need'a...uh...go and get...SHOWER. I NEED'A SHOWER."

you sighed.

" screw you.."

You whispered. You walked back to the livingroom, and threw yourself on the sofa, and left out a groan. Your head still hurted like it was just beaten black and blue.

' ahhhh my head... it feels like it has been smashed. '

You frowned.

' smashed..?'

You let that word run through your mind a few seconds.


You sat up straight on the sofa.

" Did I-?"

In the same second, you heard someone opening their door. Vincent.

Probably the last person you wanted to talk to, but something told you that he knew what happened.


Vincent:" the fuck you want from me at fucking..."

He checked the clock-

Vince:"...5 am?"


Vince:" and stop fucking shouting, woman."

You cleared your throat and took a deep breath.

" Listen, i woke up with like- the WORST hangover, ok? And- Ren doesnt wanna tell me what happened, but it feels like it got smashed. Do you kn-"

He left out a sharp laugh.

Vince:" Oh Jesus christ. Girl you were total nuts last night! Hell! You were humping Lawren-"

" Sorry WHAT??"

Vince:" Oh yes, you heard me. And after he didnt wanted to sleep with you, you tried smashing your head into that table.."

He pointed at the little table standing in the middle of the livingroom.

" ooohhh fuck.."

You covered your face with your hands, but leaving V cuts for your eyes.

Vince:" Oh there he is!"

You didnt even know who he was talking about, but your legs were telling you to run. So you ran into your room, and shot the door shut.


You wanted to cry and scream the living shit out of yourself.

([ ALR MY CHILDREN. Take this and be happy DX. I am sorry, but I am a bit demotivated lately, and i'm not doing that well lately too ( mentally ), so dont expect too much, ok? Thx anyways ♡ "

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