2 - It's kill or be killed

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Bella's POV:

Alarm rings

'It's game day bitches' I say to myself mentally waking up and heading straight to my bathroom to do my usual morning routine which is very elaborate and long winded to behest but I guess thats the price you pay for smooth skin. I finish and change into an all black outfit being a crop top, frayed jeans, dunk pandas, a leather jacket and a black bag. For jewellery I went with all silver, a few bracelets, earrings. I had my hair in a high bun with a few strands out and no makeup. It's a serious day. I then pack my cheer bag for today where I pack some black shorts, a blue jumper, deodorant, my cheer shoes and a hair tie

After I finish I let the dogs out from there room and open the door for them to roam around

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After I finish I let the dogs out from there room and open the door for them to roam around.

"Bella" My mum calls out

"Yeah" I say entering my parents room

"You need to go in the car with Rora and Justin today"

"Ew why?" I ask 

"To help her drive and to make sure she does it well"

"She has a brother for that" I respond to my dad

"But we'd like you to go to give her some moral support" My dad adds

"Just for today" My mum follows

"Fine, I don't have the energy to argue anyways" I tell them both holding up my hands in defeat 

"Now come and give us a hug" My dad says as they both open their arms out for me which I go and hug them both

"See you both later" I smile at them both heading out the door, Rora better take me to get some food I can't get my captain spot if I'm hungry. Then if I don't get captain i'm going to blame this on her and scream in her face. I head outside at our usual leaving time to go to school. 

"You're coming with us right?" Justin asks as I close my door to the house

"Unfortunately so" I start "But if you break any ligaments in me Aurora, you are dead" 

"I won't, thank you" Rora says skipping to the front

"Also we need to get some breakfast on the way I need to fuel my body" I add getting into the front

Nikeeta's POV:

"You're all going down" Sage says to Kelly and I. Currently it was Kelly and me talking whilst Bella was on the side getting ready and is in strict preparation mode which is scary to look at.

"Welp I guess its only us two wanting to play fair" I say to Kelly "Is Jordyn not trying out?" I ask looking around 

"Apparently not" Kelly responds looking around 

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