8 - Party

7 1 0

Kelly's POV:


I knock on Justins door getting to his early to get ready here instead of at mine

"Here are your keys" Mila says coming from behind me with Nikeeta who just finished getting out of my car passing me my car keys

"Thanks" I say taking it from her

"Hi guys" Rora says opening the door greeting the three of us and her and Mila head upstairs whilst Nikeeta and I head to Justins

"Jay you there?" Nikeeta speaks as we make it in front of his room

"Yeah come in guys" Justin says as I open the door going in first

"Hi babe" I say giving him a peck and a hug then Nikeeta gives him a hug

"So whats the plan?" Nikeeta asks after the hug

"You guys get ready i'm just putting out drinks and snacks and stuff then i'm taking the twins over to Bella's to stay there for the night" Justin responds

"Where are the-" I ask as both Brooklyn and Blake come running in

"Keeta and KeKe" The twins run in coming to Nikeeta to give a hug, they've started calling us that because they're in their nickname era right now

"What about me" I ask both of them jokingly waiting for my hug

"We see you basically everyday" Brook says, she's going to grow up sassy for sure

"Give me some sugar" I say excitedly giving them both a massive hug bending down to their level "You've both grown so much"

"I've been eating Weetabix" Blake says grinning

"I can see" I smile back down at him

"I started doing cheer at school!" Brook says

"Show me something" I tell her and Blake goes to Nikeeta

"But I need help to do the flip" Brooke says

"I'll help, okay I'll do a count to 3 then we can flip you over, okay?"

"Yes" Brooke says

"1,2,3" I count up for Brooke and help her turn in her flip "You did so well"

"I did it!" Brooke says excitedly

"Okay Brooke Kelly needs to get ready so you go and pack an overnight bag" Justin says ruffling Brooke's hair

"Please can I stay?"

"No you cannot" Justin says

"Ignore your brother you can stay but only if you help with my makeup" I tell Brooke

"Yes!" Brooke says excitedly

"Well she's now your problem" Justin smiles at me

"Thats fine, I'll help her pack a big when i'm done in an hour" I tell Justin

"Thanks" Justin adds "The boys will be over soon so im going to finish putting things out then get rooms ready for people to sleep in"

"Okay see you in a bit" I tell him as Brooke pulls me away to the bathroom since Justin didn't have a vanity mirror so I have to do it with the mirror in his bathroom

"Are you doing hair or makeup first Nikeeta?" I ask her since she was already in there and I had already done my hair which was just up in a half up and half down situation

"Makeup first probably" Nikeeta responds as I put Brooke on the counter top

"Hey Alexa play music" Brooke asks Alexa as it starts playing random music which Brooke was controlling as I start with my makeup and I get Brooke to help me with certain bits but not too much because she's too creative and will start putting pinks and purples onto my face about 45 minutes later I was done with mine and spent another 5 minutes with Brooke as she wanted some colourful eye shadow so I let her use my brushes to do an extremely ugly look but we made it work in the end luckily.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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