5 - Remember my team my rules

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Kelly's POV -

"Ow!" I wake up to hear Mila shouting from the bathroom probably slipping. I don't even care enough to ask whats going on so I just get up from my bed as my alarm goes off which I silence and I get my clothes that I want to wear and put them on the bed since Mila was still in the bathroom. A few minutes later she gets out and I head in brushing my teeth and then showering. As I get out of the shower I do my usual skincare and then go into my room to change my clothes. I decided on wearing some black leggings, a grey hoodie that came with a matching beanie, and my blue and grey and white low Jordans. I then decided on wearing a black bag with it. Since today was cheer tryouts Coach wanted us to wear our cheer varsity jackets so I put mine on. 

I start packing my bag in which I put in the cheer iPad, my laptop for class, lipgloss, lipliner, perfume, gum, a packet of crisp, my keys, water, phone and portable charger

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I start packing my bag in which I put in the cheer iPad, my laptop for class, lipgloss, lipliner, perfume, gum, a packet of crisp, my keys, water, phone and portable charger. After all this I go to my vanity area and then start my makeup in which I do a natural everyday look in look. After finishing all this long stuff, I go downstairs needing to have breakfast since I have a long ass day.

"Morning sleepyhead" My mum says to me as I enter into the kitchen putting my bag on the floor wanting to get a bowl of cereals 

"Morning guys" I say to both Mila and my mum who were both awake

"Are you both exited for tryouts today?" My mum asks

"Yep, the team should be amazing this year" I respond warming up some milk then putting Krave and Special K in together - its an amazing elite mix which I recommend 

"I'm nervous" Mila answers eating her toast

"You can't be nervous we've practiced together and you were amazing"

"And your sisters captain she can get you in" My mum comments

"True" I say chewing my food fast since we had to leave in 5 minutes

"Okay I need to go ladies, I will see you all later and you can both tell me how your day has been" My mum says before giving us a hug and going to work

"Lets go" I tell Mila 10 minutes later, now we are most definitely going to be late but yet again when am I never, good attendance doesn't matter.

Mila and I make our way to school which I drive since she doesn't want to learn how to drive. We make it there with a few minutes to spare but those 2 minutes we had didn't mean shit since I couldn't find a parking space in the usual area and then Mila had to put her gym bag in her locker so that took away another 5 minutes since she for some reason couldn't do it by herself. After this I go to my law class but luckily the teacher was late herself so everyone was just talking, I head to the far side of the class where Dylan, Justin Sage and Jordyn were. Welp shit i'm going to be on a table by myself or with one of those freaks. I end up sitting next to one of the girls Ellie since thats the closest normal seat and she's not a weirdo so i'm not going to anyone else. The class lasts for the 2 hours but we watched law movies to understand a few principles. I personally love this class because I love law but I know Sage is hating it since she is more science. After class I walk with the group back to the main table into the greenhouse cafeteria since the other lunch hall was busy. 

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