Wanted Victory

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Latoya's pov.
I went home and celebrated with my family. Oh how I miss them.
When it was 1 am everyone went to sleep and I couldn't.
I opened the contacts and hovered my finger over Said's name.
Should I call him? No he is asleep
But. .
Before i knew it, my phone started ringing.
"Hey" i hissed as i went to our enormous balcony. I don't want my family knowing. Not now atleast.

"Hey babe, i miss you"

"I do too, how is it going? "

"It's fine i couldn't slwep thinking that i won't be seeing you tomorrow"

"Oh my gosh, you want me to cry right now?"

"No no no stay calm. "

"Yeah, so what are you doing? "

"Well i was about to sleep."

"Mhmm, go to sleep then, you have a big day ahead"


"I love you.."

"I love you too.. sweet dreams"


After he had hung up , i went to sleep peacefully.

I miss him.


They are going to name the winner in seconds.
I stood at the edge of my seat.

Please. Please. Please.

"And the winner is.."


I stood up and clapped for my boys, they made it! The actually got the championship!

I ran to the stage quickly. I was a semifinalist so the guards will obviously allow me in.
I ran into the arms of Said and hugged him very tightly. Like there was no tomorrow.


"Yes!! Thanks to my good luck charm. My girl" he winked.

"Ahhh I miss you"

"I do too, let's celebrate!"

I went on and congratulated the guys and hugged Ahmed. He is like sensitive little brother. He was tearing up.

"You did it" i said.

"Yeah, thanks Lat!" He hugged me back.

I said hi to Hamza and Hind.
After that i celebrated with my boys their victory. I'm very proud of them.

---Fast Forward 3 months---

I bought my own house in Lebanon, and Said bought a house too.
Said has been so kind and caring and loving, I mean He is the one. He is really special. When the girls throw themselves at him he backs away quickly and proudly says that he has a girlfriend and--
My phone rings cutting off my train of thoughts.

"Hey babe"

"Hey boo"

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm taking you on a date today, dress FANCY and I'll pick you up at 8pm sharp kay?

"Mhmm...okay any special occasion? "

"You'll see"

"Ok babes, gtg bye"


A lot has changed, i just released my debut album "Power" and The 5 too "Alpha" .
They sold over 700,000 in one week. I am feeling very proud of what i had accomplished so far.

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