Chapter 3 : A Visitor Arrives

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As Aiden and Zara sat at the breakfast table, the remnants of their almost sensual encounter still lingering in the air, their conversation had been drifting towards the events of the previous night. They couldn't help but wonder about the peculiar occurrences and the strange connection they shared. Zara, now with a sense of comfort and curiosity, was eager to explore her new surroundings.

The atmosphere in the room was filled with anticipation when a sudden, insistent knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Both Aiden and Zara, still feeling flustered from their near-erotic connection, turned their heads towards the door, their eyes meeting in shared surprise.

Aiden, remembering his best friend's early morning habits, smiled wryly. "That's probably Lily," he explained to Zara, "She's a little... jumpy in the mornings, but she's a riot. We go to college together."

Zara, intrigued by the prospect of meeting Aiden's friend, nodded "I'd love to meet her."

Aiden rushed to the door, glancing through the peephole to confirm the visitor's identity. He turned back to Zara, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Zara, it's best if you hide in the bedroom for now. We need to be cautious until we understand what's happening." Understanding the need for discretion, Zara retreated to the bedroom, closing the door softly behind her.

Aiden took a deep breath, steadying himself as he prepared to face Lily. When he opened the door, his best friend's energetic and bright presence filled the doorway. Her wild, curly hair framed her face, and her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

"Morning, Aiden!" Lily exclaimed, her voice cheerful and a little too loud for the early hour. "Ready for another day of college adventures?"

Aiden nodded, trying to match her enthusiasm. "Of course, Lily. Give me a minute to grab my things."

As Lily bustled into the apartment, Aiden couldn't help but worry about how she would react if she discovered Zara's presence. He quickly grabbed his backpack and essentials, all the while trying to steer the conversation away from the unusual events of the past night.

Aiden entered the bedroom, where he had instructed Zara to hide earlier. In a hushed, gentle voice, he spoke to her, "Zara, I'll be back by 7 PM. If you get bored or want to read, there are some books on the shelf. Just remember, be cautious. Don't reveal yourself to anyone, especially while Lily is here."

He didn't want to take any chances, and his words were filled with concern for Zara's safety. With one last reassuring glance, he left the room, quietly closing the door behind him, and rejoined Lily in the living room.

Together, Aiden and Lily left the apartment, locking the door behind them. As they headed towards their college, Aiden couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were becoming increasingly entangled in a web of intrigue and secrets. But for now, he focused on keeping Zara's presence hidden from the world outside their door.

They strolled through the busy streets toward their college campus. The morning sun bathed the city in a soft glow, and the buzz of the city's daily routines filled the air. "Did you finish that rocket propulsion homework, Aiden?" Lily asked, her backpack filled with textbooks.

Aiden's eyes widened as he realized his grave oversight. He couldn't help but cringe. "I completely forgot about it, Lily. I got caught up with something else last night."

Lily rolled her eyes playfully and teased,"You're such a dummy sometimes, Aiden. Rocket propulsion is essential in our field. You can't afford to forget about it."

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