Chapter 4 : Bridging Worlds

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Aiden had reluctantly left Lily behind at the college gates, promising to make amends for his tardiness. But as he made his way back home, his mind was occupied by Zara and the uneasy feeling that had settled in his chest. The day had been busy, filled with lectures, homework, and the persistent question of how to balance his academic life with the newfound responsibility of looking after Zara.

When he approached the restaurant, the mouthwatering aroma of butter chicken and garlic naan reached his nose. He'd been craving this comforting meal all day. But his concerns for Zara took precedence, so he decided to grab some takeout and head straight home.

The evening sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows along the streets. The journey back home was filled with mixed emotions. He was worried about Zara; she hadn't eaten since breakfast, and he hoped she was alright. As he reached their house, he quickened his pace, eager to check on her.

However, as he stood outside their door, a sense of foreboding washed over him. The lights in the house were off. It was unusual because Zara had been fascinated by the screens in the house, and she'd spent the day exploring their functions.

Aiden's heart pounded like a drum as he stood outside the house, anxiety gnawing at him. His mind had played through countless scenarios during the short walk from the restaurant, each more harrowing than the last. But the house was enveloped in silence, and it felt like the weight of the world had settled on his shoulders.

He fumbled for his keys with trembling hands, and as he entered the house, he was met with darkness. His first instinct was to call out for Zara, his voice quivering with concern. "Zara?" he called, his breath hitching in his throat.

Aiden's heart began to race, and his mind raced along with it. Had something happened to Zara in his absence? His vivid imagination conjured all sorts of dire scenarios, each more alarming than the last.

The house was eerily quiet, and Aiden couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over him. "Zara?" he called out, his voice wavering with concern.

There was no response, and his fear escalated. Aiden's footsteps echoed through the dimly lit living room as he hurriedly moved through the house, checking room after room, searching for any sign of Zara. He reached the bedroom, and there, he found her. Zara sat on the edge of the bed, immersed in a book, her presence finally revealed in the soft glow of the streetlights filtering through the window.

Relief washed over Aiden. He had imagined all sorts of terrible scenarios, but here she was, safe and sound. "Zara," he began, his voice filled with relief and concern. "Why didn't you turn on the lights? I was so worried when I couldn't find you."

Zara looked up from her book, her large, enigmatic eyes meeting Aiden's with a mix of curiosity and innocence. "Lights? I don't know what lights are, Aiden, and I'm not sure how they work."

Aiden couldn't help but smile, his heart lighter now that he knew Zara was alright. He approached her and wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace, his worry dissipating in her presence. "I was so scared, Zara. I thought something had happened to you."

Zara's cheeks blushed a delicate shade of red, and her eyes sparkled. She was flustered by Aiden's warmth and affection, and she couldn't deny the emotions stirring within her. "I'm sorry to have worried you, Aiden. But I'm perfectly fine, and it's all thanks to you."

Their proximity intensified the connection between them, and Zara found herself wanting to be even closer to Aiden, to understand him and this world better. But she caught herself, her thoughts spiraling into a territory she wasn't yet ready to explore.

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