The Wiseman

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"Sit down traveler, and warm yourself" says the cabin owner. "Do you need bread and ale?" He asks. "Næ" responds Eynræð. "I insist" Says the cabin owner handing Eynræð a piece of bread. "Remember the wise words of Úðunn young traveler". "There must be a fire for the frozen knees of all arriving guests, food and clothing for those who come over the hills to your hall" Says the cabin owner. "It would be unwise to refuse the hospitality of a host" he says. "Spare me the gospel" Says Eynræð. "I see" Says the cabin owner. "What is your name?" Asks Eynræð. "I am known by many names" Says the cabin owner. "But you can call me Wæsfaðir".

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