The Cloak

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The Skævjandmann whom Eynræð was going to be an apprentice for grew worried that he had not yet arrived when he should have arrived a week ago. He gathered some men to go out and search for Eynræð. For days nothing was found. On the 4th day of the search as they were about to give up they found an abandoned campsite. The camp looked like it had been abandoned for nearly 2 weeks. As they looked through the abandoned belongings, ravens cawed loudly in the trees around them. The Skævjandmann named Ólæf would find a travel cloak with a cloak pin engraved with runes that read "A gift for my dear brother Eynræð to keep him warm on his travels". They had found Eynræðs campsite, but he was nowhere to be found. Little did they know that nearby lay the decomposing body of Eynræð, being pecked by ravens. The search party traveled to Treuverk to tell the family of Eynræð that he was missing. His body was never found, and his spirit was doomed to wander the forest for an eternity. Another victim of the Hárí.

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