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Nearly Christmas day. my gift was dropping a few Instigate kids off in Missouri, and my job was just starting. I still had a couple of "cargo" stops to pick up before New years, but considering how many Instigations are rising around Indiana, I might be delayed a day or so. Fine by me, though, the only reason I took up this life was because seeing kids torn away from their homes just because their poor just isn't right.

I don't owe the Instigate or the RC for what they did for me, I'm grateful, but what they do ain't right in my book.

I stopped my truck in the alley way near the pet shop and opened the backup before giving the back door of the shop a knock. A middle-aged man with a pudgy face came walking out, and following him were two girls, each around 12 or so, wearing private school uniforms.

They thanked the man, then got in the back of the truck. He shuffled up to me with a 50 dollar bill in his hand, intent on me taking it.
"You're doing too much for us. Please take it. It's our gratitude."

I just waved it away, I couldn't take money from him for what I was doing. All I cared about was the fact that those who deserve to be safe are.
"Helping them out is the only payment I need, really."

He gave a brief smile and then nodded, walking back into his shop, ready to go home for the evening.

I was just grateful there were people like him out here helping those who don't deserve the treatment they get.

I don't have much of anyone I could care for nowadays, so I take what I can get. I help the little family I have left whenever I get the chance. They need it more than me.

I closed up the shudders and hopped back in the cab of my truck, ready to drive down to the pick-up spot.

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