Chapter 4

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Ana's perspective:

The door to the house creaked open. I froze. How could this be happening? What will happen? Elanor peeked out from behind the door. "Come on in sweetie!" She chirped. Too cheerfully. Not wanting to waste any more time, I walk through the door into the living room. That living room looked ordinary enough, with a modern couch and a modern-sized TV. A few decorations and pictures adorned the different shelves. The only odd thing about the living room was Abigail and Willow, who sat on the floor with many toys, like building blocks and dolls surrounding them. I couldn't believe my eyes. To start with, they had infantile attire on themselves. They both had their hair done into pigtails, a pacifier in their mouths, and a short dress, which to my surprise, showed off diapers at the bottom. I didn't know what to say.

"Wh-what is this?" I finally squeaked out. "Why are you two dressed like that?" Were they trying to mock me in some sick way?

"Well, we saw you at the store today and saw you getting a diaper check. We thought maybe you shared our same interest in diapers since I didn't think you needed to use them." Elanor states.

"I don't!" I say quickly, not wanting her to think I was an actual baby.

"Well, what is your little age?" She responds.

I didn't know what she meant by that. I didn't want her to think I needed them but I also didn't want her to think I wanted them. Even so, maybe she wouldn't tell anyone if I pretended to be like her group.

"Well, I don't exactly know that myself yet, I just like this kinda stuff, y'know?" I say, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Oooo! We can have a little night with a new girl tonight, can't we girls?" She turns toward Abigail and Willow. They both nod their heads enthusiastically. Elanor's eyes sparkled with excitement as she turned back to me. "Great! We'll make sure you have a fun time tonight, Ana. Don't worry, you'll fit right in."

My stomach churned with unease, but I forced a smile and nodded. This was uncharted territory for me, and the last thing I wanted was to mess up and draw more attention to myself. I glanced around the room again, taking in the various toys and baby-themed decorations. Abigail and Willow were already immersed in their play, completely at ease in their infantile attire. It felt wrong. How could anyone feel comfortable looking like a baby girl?

Elanor grabbed my hand, led me over to the pile of toys, and handed me a teddy bear. "Why don't you join us? We were just about to play a game."

I hesitated for a moment before taking the bear and sitting down on the floor. The soft carpet cushioned my legs, and I tried to relax, reminding myself that I needed to go along with this to avoid embarrassment. Elanor sat down next to me, her presence oddly comforting despite the strange situation.

Abigail looked up from her blocks and smiled at me around her pacifier. "We're building a castle. Want to help?"

"Sure," I replied, setting the teddy bear aside and reaching for some blocks. I focused on the task, stacking the colorful pieces carefully. As we built, I tried to mimic their enthusiasm, even though my mind was racing with questions.

Elanor watched us with a gentle smile. "You're doing great, Ana. Just have fun and don't worry about anything else."

I nodded, grateful for her understanding. It also felt weird however, it felt like I didn't have to worry about anything ever again. As we continued to play, I found myself relaxing a bit. The girls' laughter was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile along with them. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Well, except for all the embarrassment.

After a while, Elanor clapped her hands together. "Alright, girls, it's time for a snack and a little story. Ana, would you like to join us in the kitchen?"

"Sure," I said, standing up and following them to the kitchen. The table was set with sippy cups and plates of cookies. I took a seat, feeling a bit out of place next to the two infantile-dressed girls but determined to keep up the charade.

Elanor poured juice into the sippy cups and handed them out. "Here you go, Ana. Drink up!"

I hesitated but eventually took the cup and sipped the juice, the taste was sweet and familiar. It reminded me of when I was a little kid. The cookies were delicious, and I found myself enjoying the snack despite my initial apprehension. Elanor started telling a story, her voice soothing and melodic. Abigail and Willow listened intently, their eyes wide with wonder. I tried to focus on the story, but I couldn't find myself being entertained as much as the others.

As the story ended, Elanor looked at me with a warm smile. "Ana, would you like to join us for a movie? We can watch something fun and relaxing."

"That sounds nice," I replied, feeling a bit more at ease. We moved back to the living room, and Elanor put on a cartoon movie. Abigail and Willow cuddled up next to each other with their blankets and stuffed animals. I followed suit on the opposite side of the couch, having just Elanor sitting next to me as I huddled in the corner of the couch.

Halfway through the movie, Elanor leaned over and whispered, "Do you need a diaper change, Ana? I thought I heard you pee a little."

My cheeks burned, but I shook my head. "No, I'm okay, it was probably one of the other babies."

"Alright, just let me know if you do," she said with a reassuring smile. She returned to watching the movie as I stealthily crept my hand down toward my diaper. Due to recent events, I wasn't surprised that it was wet, just a little disappointed.

As the movie continued, I found myself relaxing more and more. The girls' laughter and the lighthearted nature of the evening helped ease my nerves. I started to think that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe pretending to be into diapers wasn't the worst thing in the world if it meant fitting in and avoiding embarrassment from the girls. At least I knew they wouldn't spread the rumor of me wearing diapers to the whole school. If it were my other friends, I wouldn't be so sure that they would have my back.

The movie ended, and Elanor suggested we play one last game before bedtime, which I agreed to, although I was a little tired of keeping up the act. We gathered around a board game, and the room filled with laughter and chatter as we played. I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging, even if it was all based on a lie.

As the night drew to a close, Elanor walked me to the door. "Remember, Ana, you're always welcome here," she said with a gentle smile. "No matter what."

I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. "Thank you, Elanor. I really appreciate it."

"And also, make sure to change that diaper soon, I don't want you getting a diaper rash," She smiled. I looked away from her, blushing. "Bye Ana!"

Walking home, I reflected on the evening. It had been strange and unexpected, but also oddly comforting. I still wasn't sure what it all meant, but one thing was certain—I had found a place where I felt accepted no matter what, even if it was based on a lie. And for now, that was enough.

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