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Half of me want to be free,
Go travel around the world,
Eat nice and warm foods,
Meet local people at there,


Do I deserve all of that?
How about our brother and sister over there?
Should i just turn into blind people and forget them?

I want to be in healthcare industry so that I can help them.
Not only them but all country that need nice foods.

But I need to rewards myself too. I've been working so hard to be this level, all the tears that I produce are gonna be waste?

Dear self,
Just because you helping them, doesn't mean you can't reward yourself.
You can do what you can do for them. It's fine. God knows.

But isn't that mean I'm selfish?

For yourself?
Nothing wrong to makes yourself happy after all your hard works.

You deserve to be happy,no worries.
You can only do what you're capable of at the time.
Remember to pray for them.

I love them, I want them to live how I live too.

So if I'm being happy,
travel around the world,
Eat nice foods,
Open my dream cafe,

Is not a selfish wish?

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