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As they are sailing

Nero is once again enjoying the breeze

Kowaru gets inside of his bag as soon as a fog rolled on and

Tjejn they are grabbed by massive tentacles

And it crushes their ship

They are washed up on a shore

Nero is lying in a tree and hears a lot of noise

Nero: ugh what's with all the noise of some of us are trying to sleep

Eva: Nero!

Ruel: Tell me where you hid those kammas

Eva: there are no treasure Amalia made it up to wake you up

Dally: yeah it's called enutrof sycholkoly

Ruel: No treasure! No kammas

He pushes dally away

Ruel: one day you'll pay for all your wickedness Only Yugo amd Nero are nice to me only them and with Nero it's only sometimes

Nero: Hey first question why are we and where is Yugo

Eva: We are on a random island that's hidden from the world and We don't know where Yugo

Amalia: well we better find him

They all shout for him

They then hear some rustling in the bushes

Eva: Amalia get back!

Nero draws his sword: What is this!

Eva: doesn't that noise remind you of anything

Dally: yeah ruel's belly when he's hungry

Ruel: Evangelyn's right

Amalia: Hey I know what it's like the sea monster that attacked us

Nero: Yeah those tentacles where seriously stronger

Ruel: I missed that part I was holding up the rear

Amalia: a giant Kralove I thought that was just a drunken sailor story

Nero fought against the beast but was eventually thrown into the water and they where forced to watch their boat get destroyed

Dally: well it's definitely not a Kralove now

Eva: and why is that

Dally: Kraloves live in water if whatever is inside those bushes makes the same sound as what attacked us on the boat it's not necessarily a Kralove just b because it's exactly the same, doesn't mean, it can't be completely different. Let me remind you that we are on dry land and who exactly where you calling a iop braking

And then a massive Kralove appears

Nero: well it seems you where wrong again Dally

The 5 warriors proceed to water the massive aquatic beast with these respective styles

Nero continues slicing the beast too shreds and even throws his sword to save Percidal and Ruel

They all continue fighting

Amalia wraps it up

Nero, dally and Ruel slice at it

Eva keeps shooting it

But they keep fighting and it turns into smoke

Eva: Ok this is weird

Nero: really I can't even tell any more

No matter how much damage they land on it, it keeps turning turning into smoke

And eventually with their combined efforts

The massive Kralove is defeated

Nero: and boom goes the dynamite

Ruel and Amalia: Yeah!

Dally: Ha!

Ruel: wouldn't hurt to smile Evangelyn we won

Amalia: yeah little miss stuck up have a little fun for once

Eva: dallys the clown around here 'she runs off' I'm more worried about finding Yugo!

Nero: RIGHT!

Nero runs off as well

They reach a cave

Dally: well, I'm going to wear that goes!

Ruel: do we really want to find out?

Amalia: I don't like caves one bit always full of bats and mouldy smells

Nero: ehh I think they're quite peaceful

Amalia: well you're crazy then

They are walking through the cave

Dally: so you think Yugo came this way Eva?

Eva: I have no idea dally he's probably looking for us as we speak

They reach a massive room

Nero: wow this island is definitely full of surprises

Dally: it must cost a fortune to heat this place

Dally sees a dragon statute and gets scared

Dally: so realistic

Eva: you still believe in dragons at your age?

Amalia uses plants to light the place up

Nero: in fairness considering what's happened to us before and since I got this weird arm I'd happily believe dragons exist

They keep walking

Then suddenly the room starts shaking

Things seem to get a lot hotter

And then standing there with in all their glory

Is a dragon!

Amalia: A dragon I knew they weren't just a thing of legends, do you know how lucky we are? My brother Arand is not gonna believe his ears

Ruel: and when there's a dragon, there's always a kamma mountains of kammas Stroud could retire

Eva: all I remember from the stories is that dragons spit fire if that's true I think we're toast

Nero draws his sword: and all I remember is os they are super aggressive

Dally: please as long as I'm around there's nothing to fear

Nero: yeah I doubt that

And boom

The dragon unleashes a huge blast of fire

And that's a wrap

Sorry this chapter was short I'm short on time and tired next one will be longer I promise

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