Nero the Devil slayer and a reunioun with a Gobbolwer

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Nero wakes up in bed and feels something familiar yet different where is arm should be

Yugo: Oh guys Neros awake

Nero: Ugh morning guys wait why's it so cold

Eva: We'll explain later now you need to explain what's happening with your arm

Nero looks down and sees two demonic arms, well one is full demonic while the other is spreading to complete his arm

Nero: well that's new

Amalia: you didn't know you could do that

Nero: no I've never lost a limb before

Then the demonic spread fishes and a bright black and red light shines form them and

Both his arms look human again

Nero: wow

Ruel: ok that's unexpected

Nero: well at least I don't need to hide it anymore wait I wonder

Nero focuses power through his arms and they turn demonic again

Nero: Awesome!

Later the gang head off again and they are surfing down a snowy mountain

At high speeds Nero is absolutely loving it and rhen he hears they are going to brakmar and smirks a little and they start getting chased by a huge snow ball

Eva: Ok so what are we doing

Amalia: I've already told you going through brakmar is not a good idea it's the city of sin a bunch of demons, killers and assassins

Ruel: and it's very expensive

Nero: Heh sounds like the perfect place for me plus an old friend lives there

Yugo: Yeah brakmar is where Kriss Krass went to live isn't it me I'm in we can pop in and say hello while we're there

Through some drat,if takes they blast through a zap portal

They get through a toll booth through Ruel,being. Pain

They end uo going through a big roller coaster type thing

And barley survive

Once they get into the city Nero puts his hood up

Dally: Hey what's that

Amalia: Looks like a statute of a warrior

They walk over too it and written on it

The warrior who saved brakmar from a terrifying fate

He battled a devil and emerged victorious

Here is the statue of the might Rouge known as

Devil slayer Nero

The whole group look at him

Nero: Fine yes I've been here before and fine I may have battled a giant monster while here on a job and that may have saved the entire coty but I don't like the attention

Ruel: so that's two statutes of you now impressive kid

Yugo: well tell us the story and we won't tell anyone else that you are this guy

Nero: Fine! It was about 4 months before I met all of you


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