Silence of the rings

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Nero is sleeping when suddenly there's a lot of shouting

Nero runs out of his bed too see Ruel on the floor

Dally: what's going on

Yugo: Ruels having a heart attack

Ruel: it's.,,.over..for,..,me..children...good..luck..Yugo

Yugo: Ruel no!

They end up on a dark island covered in gravestones

Nero sighs

He walks over and kicks Ruel

Ruel: Ahh! What wa that for!

Nero: for pretending you where dead you old asshole

He then jumps up and excitedly runs around

Dally: a miracle it's a miracle

Yugo: Ahh he gets me everytime

Amalia: so he's done this before

Yugo: yeah he used too do it at the inn when he didn't wanna pay for his dinner

Nero: that sounds right

Eva: He really has gone too far too think I shed a tear for him

Cleome: yeah although he's great at faking heart attacks

Nero: yeah you aren't wrong

He then gets jr too search for something and the thing pulls out a small chest

Ruel: yes, finally, I knew the map wouldn't lie to me! In this chest, a very rare and powerful artefact The one who owns it has claim to unlimited power ahh I don't dare open it
But he does and it glows a golden light

And it's a ring but Ruel freaks out and throws the ring

Nero: Alright let's go

Then dally has the ring on his finger andnstartsbsyaignitnburns before the whole area is covered in a bright light

Revealing a ghost coming form the ring

Ghost: Hello

Dally: Ahhh A ghost

This seems to pull the ghost around

Ghost: as I was saying I'm not a ghost

Amalia: Great, I understand you're a genie trapped in the ring, so my three wishes, I want a lanchon handbag, a Caniball staff and a treering

Nero: those wishes are stupid

Amalia: You are stupid!

Nero: Huh!

Dally: genie you!

Ghost: me? If I were, I would have granted more than three wishes, The three such beautiful diamonds as yourselves, ladies

He then floats over to Eva

Ghosf: beautiful lady my name is bubu, sho bubu

Dally gets angry and pulls him away

Dally: Yeah but be careful with all these diamonds around my girlfriend sho bubble

Sally tires to grab him but falls right through

Cleome: so if you are not a ghost or genie what are you

Nero: a pervert

Cleome: yeah well that's true but what are you actually and what are you doing in this cemetery

Sho: I am a prisoner in this ring

Yugo: a curse how did that happen?

Sho explains his backstory about how he was going to marry someone named melo and his best friend sealed him away

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