character's intro

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Hello my lovely readers..this is my first time writing a novel..I hope y'all like this story If there are any grammatical mistakes please forgive me..

I don't remember the last time I was so nervous in front of was intimidating , his close proximity, his cologne, his stare..why is my heart beating so fast? I'm scared? Of my husband?

It all started when I attended my cousin's wedding, my cousin had an arranged marriage but before marrying he spent some time with his soon to be wife with the permission of elders. after understanding each other they both decided to get married

I was there 2 days before the wedding everything was going good until the day before the wedding when I saw him, Abhiraj Singh Rathore..he was like a walking Greek god..his aura was dominating and his black suit ..he was walking towards the bride which is his sister, Ishani Singh rathore. she's a sweet girl unlike this man.he is a grumpy OLD MAN!

not too OLD.. he's 28 but acts like he is 50. His dad is better than him.. sometimes I wonder if he's adopted by chance, except for him his family members are all sweet. It's hard to understand this man

He's young, billionaire himself, drop dead handsome, he's the only heir to rathore's industries and co ,he is just everything a girl wishes for..but he doesn't trust love ..

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