Chapter Two: Need A Daughter-in-law

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Aera entered the huge company and headed to the Programming Department. When she reached her department, she went to the manager's office. She stood in front of the door and stared at it. "Oh Lord, please help me. Today is my first day of work and I'm already late". She said to herself. After taking a deep breath, she knocked at the door.

"Come in" A voice said from inside.

Aera opened the door gently and came inside. She quickly but softly closed the door behind her. She saw a man who would be in his late thirties sitting on his swivel chair.

"Good morning sir" Aera greeted the man.

"Good morning" Mr Nam-gil replied. He found her face familiar but couldn't remember where he met her.

Aera noticed the look which he gave her and realized that he didn't recognize her. "I am Aera,Jang Aera. I came for an interview a week ago and I received an email which said I should report to work today".

"Oh, I remember..... the programming department, right?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes sir" Aera said with a smile.

"I am Mr Nam-gil" He introduced himself. "You're welcome to our company" He stood up from the chair and shoke her hand. "Let me introduce you to your colleagues and show you your cubicle". He led her outside.

'Do beautiful girls like this still exist?' He thought to himself and quickly dispelled from the thought.

After being introduced to her colleagues,Aera was shown her cubicle. She sat down and turned on her computer.

"I can't believe I found myself a good job. I am indeed very lucky" She said with a contented smile on her face. She started doing some paper work about programming which were already in her table.

Later that day


_ _ _ At the Lee mansion_ _ _

Haneul was sitting on a sofa which was in the sitting room, and he was facing his father who called him few hours ago.

Lee Min-jun is Haneul's father and he is one of the richest and popular business man in South Korea. Different companies in South Korea are owned by him. Every city in South Korea has companies owned by him.

"I thought you were not going to show up" Min-jun said.

"My best friend, Mr Bu's daughter will be coming soon. She is a respectful and beautiful girl". Min-jun said.

Haneul sighed, already knowing what his father was going to say next.

"Do you really want me to date her?" Haneul asked, going straight to the point.

"Not only date her....... she will be the perfect wife for you" Min-jun said with a smile.

Haneul frowned when he heard his father say the word 'WIFE'.

"Appa, I am not ready to be in a relationship. I am happy with my life. My life is perfect and I don't need any woman to destroy my life".

* Appa : Dad*

Min-jun gave Haneul an angry look "Must you always disappoint your father? Don't you want to get married.....or do you want to remain single for the rest of your life?"

"I want to remain single..... and by the way, I am not the only child" Haneul said.

"I don't care. All I know is that I need a daughter-in-law and a grandchild from my first child" He said and paused.

"I don't want you to live a boring life. I give you two months,if you don't find a suitable girl within two months then you will get married to Mr Bu's daughter".

Haneul was about to say something when a middle-aged but beautiful woman came into the sitting room. She is Haneul's mother, 'Soo Yun'.

"Min-jun........., our son is already a grown up,he is an adult and if he doesn't want to get married now, I think we should accept it. We can't force him to get married" Soo Yun said and sat down next to Haneul.

"Does he want to get married after I'm dead?.......He doesn't even have a girlfriend" Min-jun said and looked away.

"I'll be on my way" Haneul stood up and his mother decided to follow him. He turned and was about leaving, when he heard his father.

"Two months..... do not forget. You have two months to find me a suitable daughter-in-law" His father said angrily.

When Haneul heard his father,he chuckled and left, with his mother following behind.

Haneul reached where he parked his car outside, and turned to his mother who was behind him.

"Umma, take care of yourself. I'll see you soon".

* Umma : Mom *

Haneul, to be honest, you need to find me a daughter-in-law. You have to get married" Soo Yun said.

Haneul sighed and rubbed his forehead "I don't want to".

"I heard you when you told your appa that you didn't want any woman to destroy your life........ so, you were indirectly saying I destroyed your father's life".

"No.... not at all Umma. I really didn't mean it that way........ In this generation, most women are fake and they want only money".

"But you can still find a good girl.......I really need a daughter-in-law but, I won't force you. I want you to make your own choice" Soo Yun said with a smile.

Haneul hugged his mother "Fine, I will try to find you a daughter-in-law.....a good one" He said and released his mother from the hug.

"Take care son".

"Mm...see you soon". Haneul got into his car and drove off.


(Few hours later)

It was 7 pm and Aera quickly left the company and went to the bus stop.

"I need to get home on time" She said to herself. After waiting patiently for few minutes, the bus arrived and Aera quickly got in. Lucky enough, they were just few people in the bus,so she didn't get much attention.

In a short period of time, she reached her destination and came down from the bus. Few minutes later, she reached the building of her apartment. She climbed the stairs and reached her apartment. She stood in front of the door and was about to take out the keys from her bag when she remembered Mina.

'Mina must have returned by now'. She thought.

Mina traveled two weeks ago with her manager. As his PA, she had to travel with him on a business trip. She was suppose to return today.

Aera quickly dispelled from her thoughts and brought out the keys from her bag. She inserted the key into the keyhole and unlocked the door. She got into the house and closed the door. She looked around checking if anyone was in the house. ' ' Isn't this the aroma of food?' Aera thought and sniffed harder.

"I'm not mistaken. This is the smell of food, the smell of..........." She widened her eyes and said " This is the smell of Mina's food".

"SURPRISE!!!" Aera heard a voice. She turned and saw a slim girl who was beautiful, but not as beautiful as she was. The girl was about her age and was wearing a pink.

"Mina!!!" Aera said with a huge smile on her face and ran to her, giving her a big, tight and warm hug. " I missed you so much". She said, emphasizing on the word 'much'.

"You left me for two weeks. Do you know how worried I was?"

"I missed you as well, little namby-pamby" Mina said and they both laughed.

"I don't care if you call me a namby-pamby" Aera said.

"Please Aera, if you don't let go of me, I might die".

Aera chuckled and quickly released her from the hug.

"Sorry" She apologized. "By the way, when did you arrive?"

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