Act 1

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(A/N: As unappealing of an intro as this may be, it is the intro to the Mixels finale "Nixel, Nixel, Go Away", in which I'm rewriting. Either that or you can pause the intro and just imagine a better intro for this rewrite, like imagining the music to be better edited. I don't really judge and I don't really have the power to stop you either, after all.)

[After the intro, the scene fades to black. The scene then fades into an exterior shot of Mixopolis. The city gleams with a spectacular shine, obvious from the yellow-outlined beams behind it.]

Booger: (Narrating) There it is... Mixopolis, my town. A city in spectacular living color. A city of mixing, for mixing.

[Fade transition to a train that looks like a link of four sausages moving fast on a tall, deep ocean blue train track, blowing on its horn as it sped by while the camera panned to follow it on its course.]

Booger: Here, Mixels would mix at the drop of a Cubit.

[Fade transition to Gummo and Hurtz meeting each other at the corner of a street. Gummo is wearing a pair of striped purple pants, Hurtz a snazzy yellow and gray striped necktie.]

Gummo: Hey, neighbor! I like your tie!

Hurtz: I like your pants!

Gummo & Hurtz: (In unison, as Gummo pulls out a Cubit.) Leeet's mix!

[The two touch the Cubit, forming the Gummo & Hurtz Mix.]

Gummo & Hurtz Mix: Yeah! (Walks off to the left of the screen.)

[Cut to a highway stretch over a lake, with cars driving through, Miximals lounging in the water, the one purple ship with the eyes blinking once or twice for some reason, and the blue helicopter mixel from the intro flying past the camera.]

Booger: (Narrating) The city was so colorful and bright, and it was always gleaming with new mixing possibilities. From its majestic skyline and thoroughfares (fade in on one of the most iconic locations in Mixopolis Harbor: The Sea Dawg.) to the picturesque tourist traps of scenic Mixopolis Harbor...

[A bus driven by Nummie is parked by the Sea Dawg. Skulzy waits outside the door, and ducks back in by the time Globbie, Slymee, Squiddo, Flare, Crunchee, Pyrope, Wott, and Voltz crowd out and run inside. Cut to the right side of Sharx with the other side of the entrance in the background being opened by multiple of the mixels from the school bus, cheering for the Pyrratz.]

Sharx: Welcome mates, to the Sea Dawg!

[Cut to the left side of Sharx sitting on a stool next to a flag with Skulzy's face on it and a board of pictures of the Pyrratz. His eyepatch is seen on his left eye just like on his LEGO model and his concept art.]

Sharx: Why don't ye guys mix with a real pirate, ah?

Frostbite: (Running in from the right side of the scene, holding a gray and blue Cubit.) Oh, I wanna get one!

[Camerarr jumps in frame in front of the two.]

Sharx: Say "arr"!

[The two mix, forming the Sharx & Frostbite Mix, balancing on his barrel that took the place of his left foot.]

Sharx & Frostbite Mix: (In Sharx's voice, no longer distorted.) Timber me shivers! (The photo is taken, covering the screen in a white flash which creates a transition to the next scene.)

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