Bonus Act

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[Black screen. We hear Mysto and Kamzo laughing. Cut to a shot of a district in Mixopolis known as "New Klinkerton".]

Kamzo: I know, it was so long ago!

Mysto: Yeah, I can't believe we're still underground after the whole thing.

[Fade to the top hallway of one of the apartments in New Klinkerton.]

Mysto: Seriously, how'd we survive?

Kamzo: I mean, we did try eating whatever was salvageable in Chomly's mouth since the stuff that comes out was always weirdly fresh, (Fade to a room labeled "A113") but then some others tried out farming and we joined them.

Mysto: ...Gross.

Kamzo: Sorry, had to be honest with ya.

Mysto: ..Eh, fair enough. It's your turn by the way.

Kamzo: Oh, right.

[We hear the rolling of a 20-sided dice. Fade into the inside of the room, where we see Mysto and Kamzo playing Cubits & Caverns, the Mixels equivalent to our "Dungeons & Dragons".]

Mysto: You got 15 charisma.

Kamzo: Alright, cool.

Mysto: That means you crack a few jokes at the Nixels in admittedly botched Nixlish, but the Nixels laugh anyway.

(A/N: This is likely a reference to a scene in NNGA where Zabo pulled that exact move on two Nixels in an elevator.)

Kamzo: Alright!

[Cut to a shot behind the two mixels and the table, the door in the background facing the camera.]

Mysto: Except for the Nixel King and his Major.

Kamzo: Oh.

Mysto: ..Still, that's pretty impressive.

Kamzo: Yeah, I guess so.

[The door knocks. The two turn towards the door.]

Mysto: I'll get it. (Walks to the door)

Kamzo: Alright.

[Cut to a close-up shot behind the door. Mysto opens the door, finding a silhouette of Gox behind it.]

Mysto: Oh, hey.

[Cut to a medium shot of Mysto still under the doorframe and Gox (no longer a silhouette).]

Gox: ..Do I know you?

Mysto: I'm Mysto, from the Nindjas District.

Gox: ..Why are you here?

Mysto: Honestly, I was just at first here to explore the rest of Mixopolis, but then I came across Kamzo and decided to hang out a bit.

Kamzo: (offscreen, somewhat muffled) Hey, Gox.

[Cut to a close-up of Gox.]

Gox: I mean, that's fine and all, but do your tribemates know you're here?

[Cut back to a close-up of Mysto.]

Mysto: Well, I told them they could watch that movie tonight.

[Cut to the inside of a theater, the screen shows the "Go, Go, Go, Mighty Nindjas!" sequence. As soon as the song starts, Cobrax, Spinza, and Frazzulz cheer and excitedly mutter the fact the Nindjas are gonna appear on the screen. Then, they sing along to the song really loudly.]

[Cut to the three kids (Booger, Jamzy, and Camillot) in the middle row with the two disguised Nindjas above their row and Frazzulz below their row. Camillot is seen whimpering and covering his ears due to the intensity of the yelling, so Jamzy gives him some headphones to block out the sound.]

Camillot: (holding onto his headphones, looks at Jamzy) Thank you a lot, Jamzy.

Jamzy: No problem, it's what friends are for.

[Cut back to the medium shot of Mysto and Gox.]

Gox: ..I thought that movie wasn't coming out until Saturday.

Mysto: (shrugs) I guess that's cinema for you.

[The two walk into Kamzo's apartment room and sit down around the table.]

Mysto: Alright, we can resume the game.

Kamzo: Alright, cool.

Gox: What game?

Mysto: It's called "Cubits & Caverns".

Kamzo: Yeah, I introduced him to it.

Gox: ..You think I could join?

[Mysto and Kamzo look at each other and then back at Gox.]

Mysto and Kamzo: Eh, why not.

[Cut back to black.]

(A/N: I will be honest, I thought this was a bit boring, but it's been in my head for a while and I thought it was a bit heartwarming. Especially since it sort of fleshed out Mysto, Kamzo, and Gox as characters, so I added this bonus anyway.)

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