Enter The Horrors

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She walked through the strangely dimly lit front room. Looking around for anyone that might be able to presumably change the light bulbs.

"Hello" she said as she walked to the middle of the room. Just now noticing the red stained carpet.

"They probably just need some stain removal recommendations" She said calmly.

Then she heard footsteps coming from her left. She turned her head to look over expecting a staff member or a fellow classmate.

Instead she saw a woman with lobster claws and white glowing eyes charging straight towards her.

She dashed the other way, going as fast as her legs could take her. She tried to scream but she was so scared no noise came out.

Why did her teacher accept the invitation for her? Why did she just let it happen? What is even happening? Was she going to die because of this lobster lady?

She dashed into the other room. Slamming the door behind her and locking it. She took a breath and turned around. Just to see a man holding a baseball bat that might be stained with blood up looking like he was ready to strike her.

"Who are you?" He asked sternly and firmly.

This wasn't looking good for her.

Growing up in the pastel kingdom was strange but nice for Princess Gwendolyn. Sure she basically  couldn't interact with  anyone of the male gender except for her father and brother but it was peaceful.

She woke up greeting her pet opossum. "Good morning Mr.Possum" She said as she got ready for homeschool.

She walked into the hall to be greeted by her twin brother Jamie. "Morning Gwen" Jamie said, waving at her with his usual glowing aura.

"Morning Jamie" She replied, waving back. "Are the others up yet?" She asked, wondering where her sisters were.

"Maria is but Lorena still needs to be woken up" Jamie answered.

"Alright well the staff will handle that let's get to class" She said walking towards the classroom. She saw Maria on the way.

"Hey Maria" Gwen greeted as she walked by her older sister's side. "Oh hey Gwen" Maria replied with a wave. "Ready for school" Maria asked. "Yeah I am," Gwen replied.

"I'M HERE I'M HERE" The final princess exclaimed, dashing to her siblings. "Oh relax we're not even in class yet the teacher won't know" Gwen assured her second oldest sister..

The four of them walked into their classroom and took their seats. They were talking to each other waiting for class to start. “Good morning everyone” Miss Agatha said to the four members of her class. “Good morning Miss Agatha” the royals replied.

The teacher was in the middle of her lecture when an arrow came through the window landing right on Gwen's desk. “WHAT THE-” Gwen exclaimed in shock by the arrow.

“What is going on here? '' Miss Agatha said, walking over to Gewn’s desk. She picked up the arrow and read the letter attached to it. All the letter said was “Will you join the C.P.C '' with a box to say yes and a box to say no.

“My god Gwen” Miss Agatha said “What is it?” Gwen asked, scared that she might be in trouble for some reason. Although she can't recall doing anything wrong.

“YOU were invited to the Cosmopolitan Princess Conservatory. It's the most renowned extra curricular study out there only open to the most refined princesses” Miss Agatha said proudly.

“I didn't even know they had a branch near our woods; they are very quiet after all,” Miss Agatha said. “Now kids this is how you think of your future everyone be more like Gwendolyn”

“Gwennie, you're amazing,” Jamie said. “Duh, Gwen's the best!” Said Lorena.

“So I'll say yes to the fact that you will attend and send it to their mailbox”. Miss Agatha said as she put the arrow away. “Although it’s strange they sent an arrow it’s usually crows” Miss agatha commented

So that Thursday Gwen put on one of her best dresses and asked her family if she looked good.
“Do i look good” Gewn asked “I'm going to that elite place so I feel I should be top dollar”

“You look great sweetie” Jack her father said “ I'm not big on all these fancy school places but if they recognize the brilliance of our little Gwen then i'll support this place……….Mainly because it doesn't sound co-ed”

“Well I better get going I don't want to be late love ya” Gwen said as she walked away and outside.

“Bye Gwen, have a good time,” said her father as she closed the door and went into the carriage.

She was nervous the whole ride there. She was almost never allowed out of the palace before and now she’s going to a school that was bound to be full of top princesses. Was she cut out for this? Is she going to get trampled her first day? Would she have bullies?

The carriage ride lasted about an hour. She thanked her driver as she stepped out of the carriage.

“Thank you very much sir” Gwen said as she closed the carriage door. “You're welcome dear and remember it's 3pm now i'll come get you at 5pm” Said the driver. “Got that thanks again” Gwen said as she walked up to the building as the carriage drove off.

She opened the door and saw that the room was weirdly dim lit. She thought it would be much brighter than this but there must be a good reason.

She walked through the strangely dimly lit front room. Looking around for anyone that might be able to presumably change the light bulbs.

"Hello" she said as she walked to the middle of the room. Just now noticing the red stained carpet.

"They probably just need some stain removal recommendations" She said calmly.

Then she heard footsteps coming from her left. She turned her head to look over expecting a staff member or a fellow classmate.

Instead she saw a woman with lobster claws and white glowing eyes charging straight towards her.

She dashed the other way, going as fast as her legs could take her. She tried to scream but she was so scared no noise came out.

Why did her teacher accept the invitation for her? Why did she just let it happen? What is even happening? Was she going to die because of this lobster lady?

She dashed into the other room. Slamming the door behind her and locking it. She took a breath and turned around. Just to see a man holding a baseball bat that might be stained with blood up looking like he was ready to strike her.

"Who are you?" He asked sternly and firmly.

This wasn't looking good for her.
“So they're adding another one into the ring……….Very well you look easy to strike” The mysterious man said.

‘W-WHAT” Gwendolyn exclaimed. Was this man going to kill her? There had to be a way out of it?

“I-Im not like them I promise” she managed to get out the fear evident on her face.

To her relief the man lowered his bat some. “You can talk……….And can feel emotion” The man said questioningly

“Yes……..Yes I can” Gwen said slowly. I'm not like those……….Other people”

“Calling them people is generous of you” The man said in a cold but welcoming tone. “I apologize for trying to strike you most don't make it past the first room so i assumed you were cursed already” He said apologetically

“You are forgiven” Gwendolyn said calmly “My name is Gwendoylen may I ask for yours"

The man was silent for a moment then he spoke “..........My name……….Is Frederick”

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