Plaid Life Part 1

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As a prince of the plaid kingdom Frederick's life was hard to say the least. With the constant baredings of his father, his brothers constantly annoying him and having to deal with the C.P.C all at once along with the struggles of being a prince. His life was hard but it is better than boarding school.

His life when he was at that boarding school was a mess and a fight to stay on top. He was born with a weak constitution so he was homeschooled for many years but when he was twelve his father enrolled him mid semester into a separate academy from his brothers.

He thought it would go well but on his first night he was locked in a chest while a group of boys tried to vandalize his room. But he quickly broke out and was able to stop them before they could do any damage to his room.

It became a full on brawl with Frederick grabbing the broom from his closet to use as a weapon because it was a three vs one and he was the one.

It ended with them all getting detention for 4 weeks. A week per person involved which Frederick still thinks wasn’t fair since he was a victim standing up for himself in that situation.

After that his time there consisted of his lessons and dealing with people trying to bully him. Although each person who tried didn’t last long because they soon found out he fights back.

Now every time he didn’t immediately fight the guy. He only did that when necessary and he can only think of one other time he needed to. Instead he did it right back at them in a different manner.

Now he didn’t consider himself a monster over it because he made sure that no innocent people got hit with his retaliations. And if he hadn’t retaliated who knows what would have happened to him there and they weren't usually TOO bad.

Like when some guy had tried to dump water on him by setting up a door with a bucket he filled all of their glass cups with water and put them back in their cabinets. So when he went to grab one he dropped it and it shattered along with having to dump the rest of them out.

He does feel bad about all that he did but he knew that if didn’t his life would have been worse than it was already and it wasn't good by any means.

Back with his family they never get off his back over anything. His father thinks he’s ‘fragile and just needs assistance’ while his brothers think he’s weak and his mother, well he’s not really sure about her.

His father wasn’t strict and didn’t force anyone in the family to be ‘perfect’. Blaine was a model. It all started when he got asked to model when he was 15 and has been doing it ever since and Lance was heavily involved in the military.

Frederick didn’t know what he wanted to do since his main concern was the C.P.C so far. When you have to go to a place that's full of people trying to kill you two times a week it becomes your top priority.

He still likes to read his favorites are mystery novels based on fairy tales with his favorite being based on ‘The Tiniest Prince’

Now he was sitting at his family breakfast table with his family while they talked and he was left out.

“So Blaine, how many modeling sessions do you have today?” Leland the plaid king asked. “Two today, one at 10AM and one at 3PM,” Blaine replied.

“That's nice Lance, how about you, what do you have planned for today?” Leland asked.

“I have training today,” Lance replied. “Thats nice” Leland replied and asked the same question to Frederick.

“I don’t have anything planned today,” Frederick replied. “That’s alright,” Leland replied.

Frederick ate his food and went to one of the gyms in the palace that wasn’t being used and began to train since he would have to visit the C.P.C again tomorrow.

He always trained extra the day’s before going to the C.P.C because he was going to need it the next day.

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