The Return

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It was time. Time to head back to the C.P.C. and face it again. Gwendolyn was in her carriage ride down there with her knife in her pocket.

She wasn’t looking forward to it but she knew she had to do it. She watched out the window as the trees passed by as she got closer and closer.

It wasn't long before she was there looking at the doors before she walked in looking at the red stained carpet that she now assumes is blood. She took her knife out of her pocket and took its cover off.

She quickly walked through the first room and entered the next “Frederick” Gwendolyn called out.

“Gwendolyn?” Fredrick replied from the next room over. He walked into the room to see her.

“Why are you here?” Frederick asked. “Did your family not believe you either?”

“Actually I didn’t tell them,” Gwendolyn replied a little nervously.

“What?” Frederick asked, confused.

“Well I told them I had a good time and made a friend so I could come back” Gwendolyn answered.

“WHY would you do THAT?!” Frederick exclaimed, clearly shocked by what Gwendolyn told him. “You had an open door out of this mess, why didn't you take it?”

“Well I didn't want to leave you alone,” Gwendolyn replied. “Being alone in a place like this is a death wish”

Frederick pinched the top on his nose. “I appreciate the concern but I’ll be fine Gwendolyn but I don't know about you” Frederick said as he lowered his arms. “I had your best interest in mind when I gave you that advice now you have to fight for your life with me”

Gwendolyn looked down and stayed silent for a minute. She was scared and was second guessing this whole ordeal but she knew she wanted to. She couldn't just leave some innocent guy to fend for himself.

“I couldn’t just leave you here,” Gwendolyn replied. “You shouldn’t have to go through this by yourself, you need backup. A friend”

Frederick stayed silent for a moment. He didn’t expect that response from her and how determined she was to help him.

“Look I ever managed to sneak in a weapon” Gwendolyn said as he showed him her knife, hoping that would make him less mad at her.

“That’s not going to do much,” Frederick replied. “That can help you defeat like Abbi and Monika when she's not in crow form but not much else”

“I know, but it’s all I could manage” Gwendolyn said “ And any weapon is better than not having any”

“True” Frederick responded.

“Look I'm not mad at you, I don't understand why you did it, but it was your choice,” Frederick said.

“Really?” Gwendolyn said

“Yes,” Frederick replied.

Frederick glanced around and then grabbed Gwendolyn by the wrist of the arm that wasn’t holding her knife in. “We should keep moving,” Frederick said as he led her into the main hall.

They didn’t see any cursed, so they kept walking down the hall.

“I’ll warn you know you'll need to learn how to fight,” Frederick said. “These people show no mercy and will not hesitate to kill whoever they can”

“I understand,” Gwendolyn said. “I actually was practicing the days I wasn't here, so I know a few moves”

“That was a smart thing to do” Frederick said and soon stopped when he saw Aruelia at the end of the hall.

“She’s tough,” Frederick said as he raised his bat.

Gwendolyn tightened her grip on her knife. “Yeah with her acid saliva curse” Gewndolyn replied as Aurelia charged straight at them.

Frederick took the first few swings at her, but she jumped after Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn tried out the punch she knew how to do with the hand that was holding the knife for some extra damage. Which sent Aurelia stumbling back where Frederick could deliver the final blow.

“That was intense,” Frederick said as he looked back over to Gwendolyn. “You ok?”

“Yeah I am, are you?” Gewndolyn responded, still a little shaken up by the fight.

“I am,” Frederick replied as the two walked away from the scene.

“That punch wasn’t bad, but just that won't get you through this place forever” Frederick said as they went upstairs.

“Thanks for letting me know” Gwendolyn said she didn’t take any offense, and she appreciated the advice.

The two got upstairs and looked around. They didn't see anything on the left, but before they could check the right, Gwendolyn got tackled.

She screamed and looked at who had done it. It was Abbi, the girl cursed to look like a grandma.

Gwendolyn tried punching her, but her hands were held down. She thought she would die for the seven seconds she was pinned until a familiar baseball bat appeared around Abbi’s neck and pulled her off of Gwendolyn.

Frederick lifted Abbi up and then threw her down to the ground, then hit her with the baseball bat for good measure.

“Man, they're violent today they must be mad there’s two that they can't catch” Frederick said as he looked back to Gwendolyn and helped her up. “I'm sorry about that”

“It’s ok it’s noy your fault” Gwendolyn said as she finally got to her feet.

“Are you ok after that you took quite the fall” Frederick asked.

“Yeah im not bleeding” Gwendolyn replied, although that fall did hurt, but she wouldn't worry about that right now.

“Good” Frederick replied as he led her into another room and looked at a clock. “4PM we have an hour left before the door will open and we can leave”

“That’s good” Gwendolyn said as she looked at Frederick “Well be ok right”

“I hope so,” Frederick said.

Then Gwendolyn’s arm started to feel warm and suddenly she looked down and saw blood.

She was bleeding after all her eyes widened as the fresh blood dripped onto the carpet.

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