Part 1 - First Meet

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3rd person POV:

It was a warm, yet rainy summer day. Gentle sun filled the room, as light rain was hitting the windows.

Shouting could be heard across the room, calling out for someone. "SCARAA!! WAKE UPP!!" yelled a high voice.

"Ugh..coming!" another voice could be heard, but this time it's a different one.

A young indigo haired male stood up from the bed, navigating himself to the door.

"What did you want, Nahida?" spoke the male, with a rather annoyed tone.

"Ah, Scara! You're finally awake!" spoke the white haired female, who is assumingly Nahida.

"The breakfast is ready, eat before it gets cold!" Nahida spoke.

"Fine.." spoke the indigo haired boy, who's name was Scara or Scaramouche.

Scaramouche sat down at the table, looking at the meal infront of him, meanwhile Nahida picked up her purse, bidding a farewell to her nephew.


Not long after, Scaramouche stood up as he finished his meal, picking up the plate and washing it before going back upstairs.

Being done with the washing, Scara navigated himself upstairs to get ready


After Scara took a shower, he went into his closet to see what he should wear today. He decided to go with black shorts, black turtleneck with fingerless gloves, white jacket with a bit of blue details, white socks and black shoes. And, of course, he also didn't forget about his headphones and jewelry.

He picked up his bag, umbrella, and was ready to head out.

Scara POV:

It was raining like HELL, so I decided to get my umbrella out because I don't wanna arrive fucking wet.

Teyvat high wasn't really far away from my house, so I thought might as well get some coffee before this shit hole called school.

There was some cafe nearby, I didn't give it much thought since Im going to only get a coffee anyway. I hopped into the cafe, went to the desk taking off my headphones.

"Hello! What can I get for you?" I glared at the person that was asking me, and it was some crusty musty ed sheeran looking ginger.

"Uh, just a coffee" I said to the ginger.

"Will do!" His positivity was making me want to kill myself.


Finally I got my goddamn coffee. Jeez, what took that guy so long? It's just a fucking coffee. Anyway, there's not really much time left till my class, so I need to speed up a little. After all, I don't wanna get scolded by Nahida for skipping classes..


Shit. I forgot we had a science exam today. And Dottore is sick too. That fucker..maybe I'll try asking Lumine?

"Psst, Lumine!"

"Huh? What is it Scara?"

"Do you know the exam answers? I didn't study."

"Man, I don't know shit myself, ask someone else."

Fuck. My plan B failed too. Well, then I'll just try my luck. Hope I don't fail.


Thank GOD I finally finished it. I'm pretty sure that most of my answers were wrong though, but who gives a fuck lmao.


This hell is finally over, now I can finally go back and sleep all I want.

"MOUCHIEE!!!" Shit. Please tell me it's not..

"MOUCHIE!! YOU GOING ALREADY??? BUT YOU PROMISED WE WILL HANG OUT" Yeah, it's definitely Signora. This woman imagined something and now is being stubborn about it, as always

"Sig, I didn't promise you shit. Get your brain checked you whore"


"Bitch I didn't promise shit"


"Fucking god FINE. Jeez.."



A/N: This is my first story lmao hope y'all like it😍😋

last summer / chiscara / on hiatusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant