Part 4 - Meeting Everyone

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Signora POV:

"Ugh.." I woke up, trying to remember what happened last night and why my head hurts so much.

I turn around to see if anyone else is awake, and..HOW CUTE!!! CHILDE AND MOUCHIE ARE CUDDLING!!! I DEFINITELY need to take a picture of this, they look SO adorable together!! Mouchie will absolutely kill me later, but it's worth it!!

Childe POV:

I open my eyes, with my sight a bit blurry. In front of me I see something indigo colored. I thought it was some sort of blanket or a pillow, so I decided to cuddle the indigo colored thing further.

When I decided to finally get out of bed, my eyesight getting clear now, I see an indigo haired boy lying in front of me, sleeping peacefully. Oh crap. I forgot that we were at Scara's. But, I gotta admit, Scara's skin was so smooth that I actually mistook it for a pillow. Wait, RIGHT, MY SIBLINGS. I GOTTA HURRY, OH HOW I HOPE THEY ARE FINE.


Scara POV:

I woke up completely alone. Looks like Sig and Childe already left, not like I really wanted them to stay anyway. But I'm still feeling slightly lonely. I should apologize to Childe for yesterday as well.

I stood up from the bed, stretched a bit and went to the bathroom. The bloody tissues are still there, but it's the only left trace of me doing it. Anyway, I should stop thinking about it so much and get ready. I think we have to introduce Childe to everyone today? I have no fucking idea honestly.

I start off by taking a shower, then brush my teeth and put my clothes on. I decided to go with black shirt, long fingerless gloves (long enough to cover my scars) and black shorts. I also put on some jewelry, socks and shoes, obviously. But because it was slightly cold, I also put on arm and leg warmers, with arm ones being dark purple and the leg ones white .


I went downstairs to eat something before heading out. Auntie Kusanali was, unfortunately, nowhere to be found. "I guess I have to make my own breakfast then"
I proceeded to go to the kitchen and take some ingredients from the fridge. Those being, well, eggs, since I don't really want anything too special for breakfast, and I'm not a very amazing cook.


After being finished with my food, I headed out to the place we all agreed to meet at. Oh, right, I also have to pick up that Tar tar bitch. I gotta ask Sig where he lives.


3rd person POV:

"Ughhh, where IS he??" Signora sighed, in incredibly annoyed tone

"No need to get so worked up, Signora, I'm sure he will show up soon." Said a sweet voice, which belonged to a black haired young lady.

Some time has passed, but Scara was still nowhere found. Until the door flushes open. Scaramouche has finally arrived, along with Childe.

"We're here." Says Scaramouche, walking to his seat which was beside Signora.

"HEYYY MOUCHIEE!!" Signora shouts, trying to pull Scara into a hug, but failing terribly.

"Look who finally arrived." Says a cyan haired man, a grin spreading across his face.
Scara did not reply, instead he just ignored him.

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