Chapter 3: Books flying off the Shelf

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Ok so right now we got a bit of a problem that is unknown to us, a strange glob of ink had appeared in our base and has somewhat affected a book series, that we weren't aware of yet. What else is crazy is that I was going to explain the whole thing about how I used to be a fan of the Thea Sisters and how I'm starting to get back into it. 

However, this is the least of our concerns of course as we soon learn that a strange new phenomenon affects all four of us as we prepare for an adventure that we least expected.

Right now I've got a bit of homework to do over the week and weekend so I might not be interactive as much, but I will say this. I will do my best to work on this story when I have time.

But for now, enjoy the read below you and let me know what you think of it! This is where the fun slowly begins for all of us mice fans!


As morning sunshine broke, I woke up from sleep, feeling as if I had forgotten what happened yesterday as I rubbed my eyes. I got up from the bed as I stretched my body, especially my back. I then went over to my dresser to get my clothes on for today as I noticed something odd with the stack of Thea Sister books on my reading table, a few of the pages had been stained with ink.

As I pulled my shirt over my body, I looked at the books and saw that some of the drawings and writing within them are ruined. "Must have been the water I drank from last night. Darn, lesson to know for next time, never drink any liquid while reading." I thought. I then shrugged it off as I headed downstairs to see the rest of my crew and eat breakfast.

While leaving my room, a bit of ink spewed out of the books as the newspaper from this morning was on the kitchen counter.

Don was busy grilling some morning sausages as Sophia and Phil had French toast with eggs. I yawned as I walked into the cooking room.

"MMmmmm, smells yummy. Morning guys." I said still sleepy from my last night's nap.

"Morning Code, how'd you fare from last night?" Phil said looking up from his plate as he ate a piece of toast.

"Eh not too bad I guess, just that.. I think we might be out of touch to be honest." I spoke showing concern to the other members.

"Concern, what do you mean?" Don, said curiously as he flipped the sausages.

"Well the thing is, I seem to find a series I haven't read in years but I don't know if it would help us now since it is just a kids series." I said looking down as I grabbed a plate of eggs and bacon.

"What series is it?" Sophia asked as she wiped her face with a napkin.

"Well, I don't know if it's appropriate to read at this age since we're adults now." I spoke, as the morning broadcast for our school turned on from the tv. On it was a reporter around our age as they gave out the morning announcements for the campus.

"Good morning students! Today's report show that we will be having a bit of a break next week but also a writing competition at the end of the month, so be sure to brush up on your writing critiques and sharpen your pencils, because a special scholarship is up for grabs!" 

Sophia's eyes widened as she heard the message from the screen. 

"Wow, that's incredible. I didn't think that was going to be happening any time soon." She spoke as she bused her plate.

"This could be interesting if we could do something like this." I said thinking about the announcement. The messages kept on playing until we got the world news.

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