Chapter 10: Mischief at Work

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So in this next chapter there will be mixed feelings going on because not only are we going to be swapping between perspectives, but we're also going to be changing a few things as well to get this more interesting. I know not a lot of people are familiar with my account due to the fact I'm new to this, but I'm going to continue on with what I have. So in this chapter, our two teams both wake up with strange announcements as not only will they find new problems but also new curiosities along the way. Soon the Mad Hatters will start to take a small recap of what's been new lately while the Thea Sisters begin discussing about what happened the night before.


The next morning, the Thea Sisters had already woken up from their slumber as they got out of their beds and started to get dressed for today's classes. As they got into their clothes, they still got curious as of the events that occurred from last night and the day before. Not only has it been a few weeks since Thea Stilton got back into teaching for the school again, but also four new students appear out of no where. And even stranger things happened over night was the idea that their room doors got messy with ink.

Pamela stretched her arms out towards the ceiling to flex her back from her sleep last night. 
Colette was busy putting make-up on her face trying to make her look good for the new rodents at their academy.

"Can you believe that those four young mice are at our school?" Colette asked Pamela.

"I know! This is very amazing and odd too." Pamela spoke.

"Odd, how so?" Colette asked again but with a confused look on her face.

"Well remember how we squeaked to those four new mice that we met in Adventure Journalism Class with Thea?" she questioned.

"Yeah didn't one of them say people? Any idea what the flipping famargio were they talking about?" Colette continued starting to get some of her thinking caps on.

"I don't know, but what about what happened last night with the messy doors?" the Tanzanian mouse replied again feeling kind of both confused and worried at the same time.

"Oh that's right, I totally forgot about that! Is the mess still out there though or was that a dream?" She wondered. 

The two girls got their belongings together as they turned the knob on their dorm room to head to the cafeteria for breakfast. When they opened it, something peculiar happened. The ink trail and puddles that were on the door were gone! 

Both mouselettes were at first surprised, but shook their heads to be sure they weren't imagining things. 

"Huh, maybe what happened last night was just a dream." Pamela spoke to her fashonista friend.

"Maybe, are you sure you haven't ate too many pizzas last night?" Colette spoke.

"What? No of course not! I only ate pizza yesterday for lunch, you saw me!" Pamela piped up. 

"Oh really? Then what are you planning to eat for breakfast then?" Colette asked again.

"Um either scrambled eggs with French toast or perhaps a fruit bowl?" What are you doing?" The Tanzanian mouse questioned again towards Colette who then started to brush her hair.

"I'm just getting ready for today, I really want to check in with one of the new boys that arrived at our school." she purred glamorously. 

"Hmmm. Don't get your hopes quite up yet. I want to check in with our professors to see if those new students have what it really takes to pass the lectures today. Pamela replied as she put her headband on in her hair.

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