The Museum of Deceit.

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The shimmering planet of Astrelis came into view as the TARDIS landed, the sight through the door making Liora's eyes widen in wonder. She stepped out, taking in the vibrant colors and the dazzling skyline of the planet, which looked as though it had been carved from gemstones.

The Doctor, ever the tour guide, leaned against the TARDIS door, a twinkle in his eye. "Astrelis. A planet known for its beauty, but like everything in the universe, it has its layers. Beneath this shimmer and glimmer, there are secrets."

Liora turned to him, her eyes filled with curiosity. "It looks like a dream. What kind of secrets?"

The Doctor smirked, running a hand through his wild hair. "Oh, every kind you can imagine. Lost civilizations, forgotten tales, and even some... less pleasant things. But it's the mystery that draws people in. Just like us."

She chuckled, "Always the adventurer, aren't you, Doctor? Well, lead the way!"

He extended his arm, gesturing towards the Grand Museum in the distance. "How about a trip to the museum? A touch of culture before we dive deep into Astrelis's secrets."

The group gathered outside the towering façade of the Grand Museum, the structure itself a testament to the intricate architecture of Astrelis. The marble pillars reflected the radiant hues of the planet's sun, and the entire building seemed to shimmer with a unique, ethereal glow.

A tall, slender figure with iridescent skin stepped forward, wearing the emblem of the museum—a golden comet intertwined with a silver planet. "Greetings, travelers! I am Jorlin, your guide for today's expedition into the past of Astrelis. The Grand Museum is not just a building, but a trove of the history, culture, and secrets of our planet."

The Doctor stepped forward, introducing himself and Liora. "Hello, Jorlin. I'm the Doctor, and this is Liora. We're both very excited to learn more about your world."

Liora nodded, her eyes scanning the ornate carvings on the entrance. "It's a breathtaking building. How old is it?"

Jorlin smiled, revealing a row of pearl-like teeth. "Ah, the museum stands for over a millennium. It's one of the oldest structures on Astrelis. Each room is dedicated to a specific era or event. We pride ourselves on preserving our past, both the glorious and the... more mysterious."

Another traveler, a woman with fiery red hair, chimed in. "What kind of mysteries?"

The guide's eyes flickered momentarily, but he maintained his composure. "Oh, stories of lost tribes, ancient rituals, and of course, tales of creatures that once roamed Astrelis. Some of which have become more legend than fact."

The Doctor, sensing an underlying tension, questioned further. "Creatures? Like the ones you've got locked up in the deepest part of the museum?"

Jorlin looked surprised. "How did you...? Ah, rumors travel fast. Yes, we have specimens of several extinct species preserved. But, I assure you, they're secure and pose no threat."

The group continued to chat and share excitement, each member eager to explore the museum. However, as they journeyed through the exhibits, Liora, engrossed in a display about the verdant forests of Astrelis, inadvertently wandered into a restricted section. As she marveled at the lifelike displays, a heavy door slid closed behind her, locking her in. Oblivious to her situation, she continued to explore the room, unaware that she was not alone.

The museum lights flickered, and an eerie silence followed, disrupted only by a robotic voice echoing throughout the vast chambers: "Warning. Containment breach in the West Wing. All visitors are advised to remain calm and stay where they are."

The Doctor, sensing the tone of danger in the announcement, looked around, quickly realizing Liora was missing. Panic tightened his chest. "Liora!" he shouted, trying to retrace his steps.

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