Chapter 3

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Shen Yuan slept soundly on his bed, face buried in Su Ling's jumper. When he woke up, the first thing he thought of was, 'can I no longer see ghosts?' As the the man in white who had claimed to be his guardian Angel the previous day was nowhere to be seen. In fact, he hadn't seen him since he was at the hospital.

However, that thought was completely dispelled, as a few weak souls, also known as wisps or flame ghosts continued to follow him around, likely feeding off of his sadness and following him from the hospital.

He yawned, then stretched, popping his joints. But he felt... oddly refreshed.

He got up out of his bed (on his own two feet!) and moved to get dressed. It was nice to be able to be dressed in whatever he would like. He chose a simple green tee and white slacks, and after much contemplation he tugged the jumper over his shoulders.

He walked out of his room, just like how he would have years ago, when he was sixteen years old and his illness was still rather dormant. His parents, who were at the dinner table were shocked, almost dropping their chopsticks into their congee.

He walked on his own to the dinner table, as if it were a normal morning, and he was just a normal guy.

"How are you feeling this morning A-Yuan?" His mother was the first to recover pulling out his chair for him.

This was always the worst part about being terminally ill. He hated it when people would pity him, or baby him always working extra for him. Of course it comes from a deep rooted fear of being a burden to all of the people around him, but he always feels his lips begin to curl when people treat him with pity, or like a child. There's no need for a baby voice, he can perfectly comprehend what you're saying thank you very much!

Of course he'd never get mad at his mother for this though, as a part of his family of course they'd have suffered too, with him being like this.

"I'm actually feeling really good." He took the offered seat, "don't get mad at me, but because I felt like I could breathe on my own last night I didn't bother with the machine..." he winced at their reactions, "and I can breathe perfectly! And I can even walk! I'm filled with an energy I never knew I had!" He smiled, then graciously accepted the bowl of congee placed in front of him by one of the maidservants.

Of course his parents believed the word of the doctor, and looked at him with that sad look.

He rolled his eyes, "look, it might be a little much... but if you could please just treat me like I'm normal... even just for today it would be appreciated."

His parents nodded firmly, taking that as his final wish, to be treated like a normal man.

After what felt like a suffocating breakfast, Shen Yuan moved to roam the gardens. His parents tried their best to not worry, or not follow him closely behind to make sure he doesn't fall. They simply couldn't help lingering in his peripheral vision, reluctant to leave Shen Yuan to his own devices.

In actuality, Shen Yuan was looking around for that damned Angel, Luo Binghe.

Once he was out of hearing range, he began calling the Angel's name in order to search for him.

He huffed, there was no way the other would go out of his way to proclaim himself as Shen Yuan's guardian Angel and then just disappear.

Not that Shen Yuan really even knew why he was searching for the Angel in the first place. It's not like he had a particular reason to, he wasn't in any danger and he wasn't feeling too bad. He reasoned with himself that it was just a way to pass time.

Breathing hard and fast, Luo Binghe's unbeating heart felt as if it would explode. His hands trembled and he closed his eyes, waiting for his demise. Waiting to dissipated.

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