Chapter 4

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Three days had passed since Luo Binghe intervened to save Shen Yuan, defying the laws of the angelic realm. Shen Yuan had initially been resigned to his fate, but something inexplicable was happening. He was gradually getting better, and no one, not even the doctors, could comprehend how.

In his room, Shen Yuan sat bracketed between two translucent thighs,  clothed in the finest of white silk. His head was tilted back with firm hands, that would normally phase through other beings. His brows were drawn down and his eyes closed evasively as his lips were enveloped in another's.

Luo Binghe brought their bodies closer together as their mouths worked in tandem, lips pressing against each other and tongues dancing across each other.

Shen Yuan pulled back, panting, a dazzling blush painting his face, only marred by furrowed brows. "Luo Binghe..." he said to the empty room, frowning up at the Angel only he could see. "I thought you said your... your saliva could make me better? After the initial..." he cleared his throat, "dose," he said carefully, "it felt as if I was slowly getting worse again."

Luo Binghe wore an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry," he struggled for a second for a term of address, not wanting to seem overly familiar, "Shen Yuan," he settled on, "Your illness was fast acting and chronic, it'll be extremely hard for even me to treat. I'm sorry, I know you hate kissing this lowly one and probably feel disturbed at the thought that not only am I an angel, but a man, who you have expressed no interest in. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, ever. But for now you might have to deal with me in that way. Just one kiss a day will help tremendously. The more frequent the better, but I don't want to impose too much."

Shen Yuan scowled, looking away to hide his thin face. Who said all of that, huh?! Of course he's not gay or anything, but here this Angel was, trying to help him in a quick and efficient way that wouldn't even cost a minute of his day. It was much quicker and much more reliable than any doctor and yet he made Binghe feel... like that. Like he was unwanted. "You're... permitted. And... thank you for your help." He barely said what he wanted to say! He wanted to at least reassure the other that he wasn't lowly (and who even speaks like that any more!? The heavenly realm must be so old fashioned!).

Binghe smiled, entire expression brightening.

Shen Yuan wanted to cover his eyes, it was simply to bright! No wonder he's an Angel! The epitome of angelic! Of beauty! Of handsomeness and grace! But Christ, it was like the other could read him and each of his expressions like a book!

"Shen Yuan doesn't need to be thankful, this one will always nurture your wellbeing!" Luo Binghe exclaimed. Gradually he'd noticed Shen Yuan acting differently. And not in a bad way. Where before he seemed constantly harassed by an air of depression, the cusp of it permeating off his very being, now he seemed a whole lot more lively. Of course he still had his moments where he would stare off into space, seeming as though he was eternally sad, or staring at certain photographs and objects while trying not to cry, or looking at them melancholically with an air of nostalgia. But overall, he seemed a lot better. No one just gets over depression that easily, but Luo Binghe wants to make it his own personal mission to keep Shen Yuan happy, or at least like this, red cheeked and feisty.

That he had the energy to even have such a thin face and somewhat barbed tongue spoke volumes. Though, he would never stay like that for too long, always comforting Binghe after he pretends to be mean. Because clearly, sometimes he doesn't mean it.

Shen Yuan grumbled, and moved to get out of his bed and away from the other. Even though it was a purely medical procedure (purely medical!!!) Binghe didn't seem affected by it at all! Much like when... when they had maybe seen each other naked. Shen Yuan was internally dying, trying his best to not think about it and failing tremendously. He couldn't stop! Every time he closed his eyes, he either saw the biggest dick to exist literally anywhere, toned muscles, or a face, too close to his own and slick, reddened lips...

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