A Halloween Escape

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Content Warning: Trauma and Suicide reference. 

It wasn't too late. She could definitely still make a run for it. She could even take Ben with her. He was still light enough to drag away.

Sure, Aunt Maggie had definitely just looked through the window and seen them, but so what? Was she going to chase them down the street? She never even left the house. Besides Sara reckoned she could outpace her.

All this planning was for nought. Ben just walked straight into the house. Sara still contemplated running but felt the tide pulling away from her and gave in.

Aunt Maggie stood in the doorway to the living room trying hopelessly to look as if she had not in fact spent the last hour there waiting.

"Hola mis quierdos," She said, "Como era La Escuela?"

"What?" Asked Sara.

Aunt Maggie seemed taken aback.

"How was school?" She asked.

Ben gave a slight shrug.

"Yeah, it was okay," Said Sara, "You know, school."

Aunt Maggie's smile faltered slightly.

"Sara," She said, "Do you mind If I speak to you quickly before Dinner?"

Sara rolled her eyes and made her way into the living room. Ben was hesitating on the stairs.

"It's okay Ben," Said Aunt Maggie, "You head up. I'll call you down when Dinner's ready."

Ben looked over to Sara, and she gave a shrug. Ben didn't look much comforted, but he went up the stairs all the same. Sara slumped in the seat she had taken the night before. Aunt Maggie decided to sit on the sofa rather than her usual seat, and Sara shuffled to the side uncomfortably.

Aunt Maggie hesitated a little before speaking.

"So, I got a call from School," She said eventually, "From Mr Briggs. He said he spoke to you about maybe delaying your start..."

"And You're going to make me do it," said Sara.

Aunt Maggie shook her head, but her actual Answer took a little time to come.

"Sara," She Said, "It's okay if you still need time. Everything's been happening so fast it's no wonder you would struggle to cope with it all."

A shock ran through Sara. It must have been obvious enough for Aunt Maggie because she did not wait for another response.

"I didn't mean it like that," She Said, "I know you're a..."

"You don't know anything about me," said Sara.

"Sara I... I do know what you're going through,' said Aunt Maggie, "He was my brother after all."

No, he wasn't. Not in any way that mattered. She hadn't even been at the funeral. No one else had.

"Maybe if you just take a little time," Aunt Maggie was still saying, "I know it won't make anything okay, but it will give you time to settle. And maybe we could set up an appointment with the therapy centre. You know just to get you some help."

"I don't need help," said Sara.

"There's nothing wrong with getting help," Said Aunt Maggie, "Your papa..."

Sara and Aunt Maggie locked eyes for a moment. Sara felt a flash behind her eyes, and Maggie swallowed her words.

"You lost your papa," corrected Aunt Maggie, "of course you're going to be suffering."

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