Chapter 4

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Anthony was currently in the ORC with Sona and all the others, he knew what today was and Sona could tell he was not in a good mood.

"Hey," Sona took his hand into hers as he looked at her, he could see she was nervous about this.

"I promise he won't take you away from me, I promise." Anthony told her quietly and she smiled at him. A gray magical circle appeared and Grayfia stepped out.

"Greetings everyone I am here to look out for the meeting between lady Rias and Sona, and Lord Riser." Grayfia told the group as she saw everyone then saw Anthony. "I don't believe we have met I am Grayfia Lucifer, head maid for the house of Gremroy." Grayfia said bowing not knowing they have already met.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Grayfia, I am Anthony Wells." Grayfia smiled as she knew he was the one who beat Sona.

"So this is the young man who beat Sona in chess. Quite I interesting young man." Grayfia told herself as a fire magical circle appears.

"Phoenix." Kiba said coldly as Riser stepped out from the magical circle.

"Ahhhhh Riser has returned to the human world." Riser said looking at everyone and smirked.

Time skip

"The tea made by Rias's queen is lovely." Riser said and Akeno fake smiled at him. "Sona I am glad to see you have chosen to let this marriage be as it is. It is in the best interest for are race." Riser told her until he saw her holding Anthony's hand. "Are who are you?" Riser asked Anthony coldly who smirked.

"Anthony Wells, Sona's true fiancé, nice to meet you." Anthony said in a cocky voice which made Riser mad.

"Sona I suggest you control your servant before he finds himself as a burnt corpse." Riser said and Anthony smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"Damn that sucks cause I am not her servant or anyone's I am my own man." Anthony told the devil heir.

"Riser enough is enough." Rias finally spoke up standing up from his side. "Not only do I not wanna marry you, the fact you had the stupid idea to add Sona who's got nothing to do with me and you disgust me." Rias told him as he stood up.

"Rias my dear you must look out for the future of are kind, we lost many pure blooded devils in the Great War. You need to put your pride aside and accept this, same with you Sona." Riser said to the two girls as Sona stood up.

"I agree with Rias we don't wanna marry you, we know who you truly are and the kind of man you are. You see us as objects to gain more power and two devil hires to have sex with for your own pleasure." Sona told him as Riser was losing his cool.

"You two seem quite confident that you think you have a choice, you don't so enough of this bull crap, you both will return to the underworld with me." Riser told them codly.

"Bro let it go and find someone else." Anthony spoke up to Riser. "If your truly a man of honor you know forcing someone to marry you makes you a bad person, and a little bitch." Riser glared at Anthony as the others laughed.

"You got a big mouth low life, you dare to talk to me like that?" Riser snapped back at Anthony who closed his eyes.

"That's not the only thing that's big on me, but you can ask your mom about that one." Everyone looked at Anthony like he was crazy and Riser had enough.

"ENOUGH LOW LIFE, DIE." Riser raised his hand and shot his fire but Sona used her power of water to cancel the attack.

"RISER ENOUGH." Sona snapped but he grabbed both girls by the chin.

"I don't care who gets in the way I will burn everyone down to a black corpse if I need, enough is enough." Riser snapped as his eyes glowed and so did the girls but Anthony rushed Riser and shoved him sending him flying back into the wall.

"YOU WILL NOT PUT YOUR HANDS ON MY FIANCÉ AND HER BEST FRIEND IN FRONT OF ME." Anthony snapped coldly as his glare was much more terrifying and threatening.

"You little shit." Riser got out of the wall and pointed at him. "YOU CLEARLY HAVE A DEATH WISH LOW LIFE, YOU SPEAK TO RISER AND ATTACK HIM IN SUCH A WAY. The only way to settle this is in combat." Riser yelled back and Anthony smirked.

"Done, 24 hours we will fight in the underworld. You win you can kill me in front of everyone." Anthony said much to everyone's shock.

"Anthony you can-." Sona put her hand in front of Rias and gave her the classic looked she gave when she knew something about the situation she didn't.

"I win, Rias and Sona are set free, do we have a deal?" Anthony asked and Riser started laughing.

"You fool I will be more then happy to kill you, so I can take Sona as mine for good, 24 hours." Riser said seriously as he teleported away.

"I will inform Lord Lucifer and Lady Leviathan about this situation." Grayfia said as she teleported away.

"ANTHONY, why did you do that." Rias yelled at him mad. "You can't beat Riser he is immortal, me and Sona where gonna challenge him together. Then we stood a better chance but now we don't." Rias said and saw Anthony seems perfectly calm.

"Trust me Rias, Riser won't know what hit him come tomorrow night, I will insure you he is brought down." Anthony said as he kissed Sona's cheek and walked to the door. "Beside, he fell right into the trap I wanted, I knew your chance to beat him where slim, mine won't be." Anthony said as he walked out of the club room.

"Sona, do you actually think he can free us from Riser, if he loses it's over for us." Rias told her best friend who nodded her head.

"Trust me, he is more than capable of dealing with Riser. I believe in him not just as my fiancé but also as a fighter, believe in him yourself and you will be shocked how well he handles this situation." Sona told her best friend as she hoped her friends fiancé could beat Riser and set them free from this everlasting nightmare.

Bammmm chapter 4 done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTTTTT

High school dxd: The Demon Speedster Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon