Chapter 5

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Anthony was currently laying down in his house sleeping, he was extremely exhausted from the last 24 hours and the stress. As he was sleeping he heard his door open and his eyes instantly opened up and he quickly sat up and ran at the person only to find Sona.

"Oh god Sona, you scared the crap out of me." Anthony said taking a deep breath unaware of Sona's blood red face from seeing him only in his boxer.

"W-Wow, his abs looked like they where cut from stone same with his chest and arms, damn." Sona was dumbstruck by her fiancé body.

"You ok?" Anthony asked seeing her face and she shook her head. "What are you doing here so late? You should be at home sleeping." Anthony told her and she smiled.

"I came to sleep with you for the night." Sona told the speedster who was shocked to hear this. "It's only for an engaged couple to sleep together, do you not agree?" Sona asked and Anthony saw the logic.

"Yea I understand the logic, let's get some sleep then." Anthony said as he got back into bed and Sona joined him. "Goodnight Sona." Anthony said as he quickly fell to sleep. Sona watched him sleep peacefully with a smile on her face.

"He looks so peaceful." Sona said as he turned over putting his head on her chest as she rubbed his messy hair. "Goodnight Anthony." Sona kissed his forehead moving his hair as she closed her eyes and fell asleep as well.

Next morning
Anthony opened his eyes and saw the sun glowing into his room as he wiped his eyes to get a better view and saw Sona was not in bed. "Where is she?" Anthony got up and threw on a pair of shorts and walked downstairs and saw her setting up the table with food.

"Anthony, good morning. How did you sleep?" Sona asked with a bright smile and he yawned.

"It's was really nice, I hope you slept well too." Anthony told her as he walked to the table and sat down.

"I did sleep well, also I made some food for us I live by a code to make sure your taken care of and anything else you need that I can help with." Sona told her lover who smiled at her as she sat down and the two started to eat.

"I enjoy the food Sona, it's extremely good. How you cooked before?" Anthony asked her and she ate as well nodding her head.

"Yes I did learn to cook when I was younger. My mom taught me the fundamentals of being a woman of high value. I live by those standards for my fiancé and myself as I said." Sona told him and he nodded as he finished his food.

"Thank you again for the food I truly enjoyed it." Anthony told her as she got up and took his plate and silverware to the kitchen as the door bell rang.

"You expecting someone?" Sona asked as she saw Anthony get up and started fazing his fist as he walked to the door and opened it but was met with Rias.

"Rias my god, how did you get my house number?" Anthony asked her but like Sona she was zoned out by his body.

"I-I just checked your files, may I come inside?" Rias asked with a red face and Anthony moved as she saw Sona in the kitchen. "Sona good morning I was not expecting you to be here." Rias said as her best friend smiled back to her.

"I slept here last night, I just made breakfast for me and Anthony, what brings you here?" Sona asked her friend curious.

"I wanted to come and see if I can get a better relationship with Anthony and seeing how he is holding up sense he fights Riser tonight." Rias said as she looked back to Anthony and her attention was pulled to his middle finger with his ring but he put his hand in his pockets.

"I am doing fine, I made a promise to you both I would not lose to Riser. I plan on keeping that promise for your sakes. Trust me Riser won't know what hit him." Anthony told them and Rias smiled.

"I am glad you'rere confident in your ability it helps my nerves." Rias explained to the speedster.

"I would never off your guy's freedom so lightly if I knew I couldn't beat Riser. That's not the kind of man I am. I just needed to get him with something and the insults and the idea seems to have caught his attention." Anthony explained as he went to his couch and laid down. "I am gonna take a nap you ladies do as you please." Anthony told them both as he drifted to sleep.

"I showed up last night and woke him up so I am gonna let him rest up for now." Sona told Rias as they sat down on the other couch.

"You truly have strong feelings for him don't you?" Rias asked as she looked to him and smiled.

"Yes I have fallen for him, not for his looks or power but because he is a man of honor and not seeing me as the heir to my clan. He sees me as a smile girl. That's more than I could ask for. He has done more for me than you can imagine. That will be revealed soon enough. And yes I believe in him because of what he has shown me." Rias listened to her best friend curiously.

"Well I am glad you have found a man to give your heart too, I am still looking." Rias told her best friend who cocked a smirked.

"Carful, spend enough time around him and go on a date and you may find yourself falling for him as well." Sona told her friend as the two shared a laugh.

"Always able to ease the mood, again I am so glad you found someone who truly loves you for who you are as a person not for your devil status. That is a extremely special person you have. Don't lose him." Rias told her friend who looked back to him sleeping. "He looks so peaceful sleeping." Rias watched him with her friend.

"Yes it's a nice sight to see him relaxed and sleeping. With what is happening tonight he should rest up, trust in him Rias he will win." Sona told Rias seriously. "You could almost say this.....will be over in a flash."

Bammmm chapter 5 done like comment share and as I always say UNTIL NEXT TIME THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTT

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