chapter 6. a dream, or living nightmare?

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a/n : im dream in a dream every night hey! ahahah plotwistttttt

tw; assault?

Seonghwa's eyes shot open with terror as he came to his senses. He was lying in a dimly lit cell, bound and imprisoned.

"What the hell? Where am I?" he cried out, panic setting in as he woke up suddenly from the nightmare...

What was the nightmare?

The nightmare of being kidnapped from the enemy ship. Kidnapped by some "dealers" and "alcoholics". Tortured. Unable to find Hongjoong. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Alone. Trapped. Jiwoo not letting him free. Being used, almost held for ransom. The fear. The scariest nightmare to ever exist...

"Shhh," whispered a calming voice from the shadows. "Don't worry; you're safe."

Seonghwa followed the voice to see a mysterious man standing in the corner of the cell. His name? Mingyu. Mingyu stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on Seonghwa's shoulder, reassuring him. Seonghwa shuddered at Mingyu's touch, feeling uneasy and confused. He tried to move away from the stranger, but Mingyu refused to let go. Instead, Mingyu pulled Seonghwa closer and ran his fingers along his neck and chin.

"Shhh," Mingyu whispered gently, the heat of his breath blowing against the back of Seonghwa's neck. Seonghwa struggled to free himself from Mingyu's grip, the stranger's touch making him feel vulnerable and exposed.

But his struggles were in vain as Mingyu pulled Seonghwa even closer and kissed his cheek.
Seonghwa felt a chill run down his spine as Mingyu's lips brushed against his cheek. This was not what Seonghwa wanted; he didn't want to be touched this way. But Mingyu did not stop, and he continued moving his lips along the curve of Seonghwa's neck.

Seonghwa was terrified and felt physically and emotionally violated as Mingyu leaned in and gave him a long, passionate kiss on the lips. Seonghwa struggled to resist and break free but Mingyu's grip was too strong and Seonghwa felt utterly powerless.

Seonghwa felt his stomach churning and his heart racing, terrified by the knowledge that Mingyu was completely in control of him. With Mingyu's lips still pressed against his own, Seonghwa could feel the heat of his breath and the softness of his lips against his.

Seonghwa tried to breathe, but his lungs froze and his heart felt as if it was beating out of his chest. The longer Mingyu touched him, the more Seonghwa lost control. He finally found the courage to speak and said, "Let me go."

The sound of Hongjoong's voice snapped Seonghwa out of his trance and he pushed away from Mingyu. Hongjoong was standing just outside the cell, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern.

"Seonghwa? What happened?" Hongjoong asked, entering the cell and moving towards Seonghwa. "Are you okay?"

Seonghwa felt the tears streaming down his cheeks and he looked away from Hongjoong, feeling ashamed and embarrassed by the intimate encounter. Hongjoong's presence only made him feel more exposed and vulnerable.

Hongjoong's eyes widened as he took in the fact that Seonghwa had been in the cell alone with his own best friend..?

"Mingyu! What are you doing here?" Hongjoong demanded, his tone filled with anger and suspicion.

Mingyu stepped back and said calmly, "I was just comforting Seonghwa. He seemed upset."

"Comforting him?" Hongjoong repeated, his tone sarcastic and disbelieving. He turned his attention back to Seonghwa, who was still struggling to regain his composure.

Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa and noticed the tears still streaming down his cheeks. He kneeled down in front of him, his eyes filled with concern.

"Seonghwa, did Mingyu hurt you?" Hongjoong asked softly, his tone full of worry.

Seonghwa nodded slowly, still unable to speak. His lips felt tender and sensitive after Mingyu's long, passionate kiss, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed and embarrassed by the whole experience.

"It's okay, Seonghwa," Hongjoong said gently. "You're safe now."

Hongjoong's expression was flooded with anger and resentment as soon as he saw the way Mingyu had been holding Seonghwa.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded, his tone sharp and unforgiving. "Do you think it's appropriate to touch my husband like that?"

Mingyu looked taken aback by Hongjoong's reaction, but he quickly recovered and defended himself. "I was just comforting him," he said calmly, his tone unemotional and measured. "He was clearly upset, and I thought that he could use some support."

Hongjoong turned to face Mingyu, his tone harsh and critical. "How dare you touch my husband like that?" he demanded. "Do you have any idea how inappropriate and disrespectful your behavior was?"

Mingyu remained calm and unperturbed, but he didn't deny what Hongjoong was saying either. He simply stood there and listened silently as Hongjoong continued to berate him.

"And you think it's funny?" Hongjoong continued, his voice rising as his anger grew. "Do you think it's amusing to laugh at someone else's trauma? Is that what you think?"

Mingyu still didn't respond to Hongjoong's accusation. He simply looked at Hongjoong with a relaxed expression, as if he knew Hongjoong's anger was justified and deserved.

"And you think you can touch my husband like that just because you're my friend?" Hongjoong asked, his tone filled with disbelief. "Do you really think you can get away with it?"

"This is your cell now. Seonghwa my dear, you can leave."

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