Ch.3-A Failed Promise & Meeting The Dragon King

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A/n: Okay so I looked up the name Nadja & it turns out the name is actually a girls name but ya know what I'm making it a unisex name & giving it a knew meaning! This is how I been saying my oc's name: Nad-ja, new meaning : Hero. Boom! Fix it! Flame me all you want, it ain't gonna stop me from continuing this fanfic. Now on with the show!

10 Months Later

It's been almost a year since Hinata's attempted kidnapping by Kumo and Naga's rescue of her. Thanks to the Kumo ninja being taking alive Konoha interrogation department was able to get all of Kumo's plans. The 4th Hokage was furious when he found that along with kidnapping the Hyuga heiress his youngest son and daughters were both targets if the opportunity arose. Nadja was thanking his lucky stars he listened to his sensei and made extra care to listen to his sensei's words more often, a decision that will cause more problems than it will solve.

Kumo tried to plead that they had nothing to do with it, but after showing evidence Konoha found after ambushing the Kumo extraction team near the borders of the of the land of fire. They could not weasel out of it. With this evidence and news of how Kumo's ninja was captured by a child the village suffered a humiliating defeat. Once news reached the Feudal Lord of The Land of Lighting. he forced the village of Kumo to pay reparations to Konoha as well as cut the village's budget weakening their strength.

It was that decision that prevented the 4th Hokage from going to war who was convinced by the council and his sensei to accept the money to aid in the further recovery of their village after the 9-Tail's attack 4 year's prior.

Rumors quickly spread about the son of the Hokage saving the Hyuga heiress. However, because of his status as Jinchuuriki it became widely known that it was the youngest son and not the eldest. Causing the villager's treatment of Menma to improve drastically even going as far believing, he would become Hokage like his father one day.

To the shy little boy who dreamed of becoming Hokage this was a big confidence boost.

However, not all of the aftermath of what is now known as the Hyuga Affair was good. Do to Kushina's outburst on that night the relationship between her and her eldest suffered. Naga was weary of Kushina the months after and though he eventually forgave her though there has been a strain on their relationship ever since. While a wedge was put between mother and son, the relationship between Hinata, Hanabi, Naruko, and Naga only grew closer much to Menma's envy who trained harder hoping to surpass his brother and earn the Hyuga heiress attention along with her sister. When Hanabi had heard what happened she thanked the young silverette for saving her sister even going as far as to give him a kiss on the cheek much to the boys confusion & the shock of Naruko, who fumed at the girl for doing that to her precious big brother, & Hinata who turned red out of embarrassment thinking about doing the same thing to Naga only faint at the thought. Tachibana had heard what happened & at first believed the rumors that Menma fought the Cloud ninja until Naruko & Hinata cleared up what really happened. Since then she & Naga became friends saying that where ever Naga goes action & trouble are sure to follow. However for reasons he couldn't understand Tachibana & Naruko had formed a bit of a rivalry.  

It was the eve before Naga & the triplets fifth & fourth birthday and Kushina was preparing for the celebration tomorrow with a big smile. Like she promised last year Naga was going to start training and she planned to work extra hard with the boy so he can catch up to his siblings and repair the rift that formed between her and her son.

Naga & the triplets were currently playing outside with Hinata & Hanabi. Since it was their birthday tomorrow Menma, Mito, & Naruko were given the day off, it was the first time in ages that all the siblings and the Hyuga sisters got together. Menma, Mito, & Naruko were a bit disappointed since they couldn't play ninja games because Naga had yet to start his training, but they were just happy they could play with their big brother like old times.

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