Ch.4-Things Change For Better & Worse!

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1 Year later

Mito was humming a tune, it was early morning as she helped prepare breakfast with her mother. The now 5-year-old girl was delighted because today was the day her and her brothers were going to start going to the academy together.

'I can't wait for all of us to begin the academy and finally be together again.' She didn't understand why her parents didn't let her big brother start training with them like they had promised and she hated it. She missed the days when the four of them would be close and inseparable from each other. 'But once Menma, Naruko and I started training... those days just faded away.' Her smile quickly turned into a frown at the recollection of the growing distance between her big brother. While they trained, their big brother just seemed to fade out. 'The times we spent together just keeps becoming less and less... hurry up and join us big brother, we miss you... I miss you.' Looking to her mother who was humming the same tune she was humming until a few minutes ago. Her crimson hair was tied up in pony tail just like her own and she had a glowing smile as she prepared food for her family. As the sun hit her mother, she couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was, hoping that one day she would be just as beautiful.

Kushina, noticing her only daughter looking at her, turned her bright smile and violent eyes showering her little girl with love. "What's wrong, Mito?"

Blushing at her mother, Mito shyly looked away. Her cheeks were almost as red as her hair. "Mom, why hasn't big brother started training with us yet?" her voice sweet and childlike her violet eyes sparkling in innocence and cheeks slight puffed. Her daughter was adorable and any other day Kushina would squeal and give her daughter a big hug. But despite it being an innocent question from her daughter, it only brought out a feeling of guilt from Kushina.

Her conversation with Nadja echoed in her mind. She didn't like it one bit that her eldest had to be left out. But her worrying for his safety and her husband's reasoning won out over her motherly instincts. As her daughter looked at her innocently, all she could do was tell her. "He's just not ready." Her voice broke, showing that she was unsure on what she was saying. This only confused the young girl who was cutely tilting her head. Seeing her daughter's obvious confusion, she leaned down to her height, patting her on the head soothingly and telling her. "Don't worry. He'll join you soon. Once he's gone to the academy, I'm sure Naga will be ready and then you can all train together." This brought a smile to the little girl's face, causing her mother to give just as big smile. "Now go and wake your sister and brothers, breakfast's almost ready."

Mito's blue eyes sparkled. "Ok mom!" Running off in a happy mood thanks to the news that her big brother will be with them again.

Kushina could only smile at her daughter's happiness at the thought of her big brother joining them in training. Turning to finish dishing up breakfast she could only hope that her words were true and her eldest would join this year. 'Naga will join in this year for sure.'

As Mito ran off to wake her brothers, she couldn't keep the excitement she felt. 'Finally! Now that we're all attending the academy, we can all be together and soon big brother Naga will start training with us too.'

Quickly opening the door to Menma's room, she ran to the bed where Menma was sleeping soundly. Smiling at how peaceful he looked, she gently put her hand on him she shook him awake. "Come Menma, it's time for breakfast."

Grumbling Menma replied with. "Ok... sis." He got up and wiped the sleep from his eyes, Mito was already running to Naga's room.

Entering she shouted. "WAKE UP BIG BROTHER IT'S TIME FOR-!" Mito began only to stop in her tracks as she notice that her brother wasn't alone in his bed. Sleeping with a content smile while cling to Naga's right arm was Naruko. A tick mark appeared on Mito's forehead, this is the 5th time she found Naruko like this & Mito hated the fact that Naruko was closer to Naga then she was. All the training had left the triples tired most of the time yet her sister always found a way to spend time with their big brother & she hated that. "NARUKO!!!!" Mito's shouted making both Naga & Naruko jolt up in surprise by the loud voice!  Their surprise quickly turned into a lazy yawn as they noticed Mito glaring at them, we'll actually at Naruko.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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