Dinner And Cookies

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Sarah returned back to her parents' house with her takeout bag. She knocked on the door, it opened slightly from the knock.

"Hello? Mom?"

Her mother came walking around the corner as Sarah stepped into the house. She smiled at her, wearing her favorite coffee print red apron that she wore when baking. Sarah didn't like when her mother left the door unlocked and on numerous occasions reminded her to lock it.

"Mom, you know I don't like it when you leave the door unlocked. What if someone just randomly walked in?"

"Oh, don't worry dear we know a lot of our neighbors and they are super friendly. There isn't anyone I do not know who would just stumble into our home and the only visitor we have until the end of the year is you."

"It is still dangerous, and it worries me, so please remember to lock the door even while you are home."

Her mother looked at her daughter seeing the worry in her eyes and nodded.

"I will do it because you are so worried about it. I promise. Now, come into the kitchen please after you take off your coat because I am making chocolate chip crunch cookies, and I can use an extra pair of hands."

"Alright, I will be right in. You know how much I love your cookies."

Sarah watched as her mother left the living room and entered back into the kitchen. She removed her coat and hung it up on the hook on the wall near the door. The door was then locked behind her, now ready to go to the kitchen to help her with these cookies. As she went into the kitchen, she could smell the preparation mixed in two separate bowls. The aroma, oh that batter smelled so delicious you could eat it on its own. Sarah first made sure to place her takeout bag on the dining room table in the kitchen and then walked over to grab an apron of her own. It had been a long time since the two of them last baked anything together and for her this was the real sweet treat.

"I have most of my perfect batter finished, but I still need to add some finishing touches and then we can start molding them into balls. Come help me measure some of these seasonings out uh cinnamon and ginger."

The two of them worked in the kitchen as a mother and daughter team, mixing and measuring out ingredients. As Sarah began to stir in seasoning one by one, this brought back memories for her as a child. She missed being in the kitchen with her mom as it was a way the two usually bonded and would talk about anything, everything. It was a big safe space.

"So, mom how have things been going? I mean dad has a new job and the town is flourishing better than it ever did before. I even went by Oliver's Diner with Mel, and they have their hands full. They even gave us each a free cannoli dessert to take home. They have apparently partnered with Mr. Hubble from that new chocolate factory."

"Everything has been going good Sarah, better than ever actually now that your father landed that job. I have to say how grateful I am that factory chose to move here to Small Thread Ville. I mean, what are the odds of that happening? It's given this small town a drive and a purpose again that it hasn't had for years."

"I do see the positive impact that his factory has brought to our hometown, and everyone does look to enjoy his chocolate. I am actually going to be able to enjoy it myself later as my dessert, but do not worry these cookies will also be eaten."

The pair continued to work on the fresh batch of cookies and once the batter was completed, they rounded the cookie dough with their hands and placed the baking tray into the oven to cook. The day began to get later, as the two spent so much time together in the kitchen, cooking and talking. After all that time, it was already dinner and the two set up the dining room table for the three of them to eat. The glasses for drink were placed by the dinner plates with everyone's own set of flatware. Her father was about to come in the door at any second as he got off by 6 o'clock every evening.

A couple of minutes past 6 o'clock and Sarah could hear her dad struggling at the front door with his keys. Sarah slightly chuckled as she went into the living room to open the door for him, so he didn't have to struggle. She unlocked it and held it open for him to come inside.

"Dad! Come on, come on. We have dinner ready; I got your coat give it to me."

"Thanks Sarah, it smells absolutely delicious."

Her father gave his coat to her so she could hang it up and immediately made his way into the kitchen, following the scent on his nose. The first thing he did was go to his wife and gave her a kiss along with a heartful hug. Then turned around to face the dining table in amazement, blown away by how much of a delightful feast they were about to have.

"Wow, you two made all of this?? I need the both of you in the kitchen more often."

"There will be a lot more where this came from. We are going to have our girl with us for the rest of the year Richard. Now, go wash up, get out of that work uniform and come get settled with us and we will eat. Go on now."

Richard left to go get cleaned up and changed as instructed, rushing so he could begin dinner with the family after a hard workday.

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