Chocolate Shortage

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After twenty minute's passed by, Richard came back into the living room to sit down for dinner. He was dressed in pajama like wear, comfortable and relaxed after washing up. The smell of old spice filled their noses from a shower.

"Okay, wow, this looks delightful I cannot wait."

His face lit up just as it did before and pulled himself out a seat.

"Mary, if you can please turn on the TV. I love watching the news while eating dinner and this is a treat."

"Sure darling, a moment I will turn it on."

Mary wiped off her hands with her dish towel and went to turn on the TV. The television was always on at dinner for it gave the two of them always a topic of conversation. It was slightly turned up for all to hear and everyone sat down able to see eachother and the TV.

For dinner there was seasoned pan fried chicken with gravy, garlic mashed potatoes and fresh green beans with rolls. A perfect but simple dinner. The drinks were on the table in the middle from soda to tea.

"Let's dig in! Thank you Mary and Sarah for dinner."

Richard started off first making his plate and the other two followed after in suit.

The three of them talked, laughed and enjoyed their food.

On the TV right across from the dinner table the news turned on. It was from Small Threadville News Center.

"We bring this next story to you. The Hubble Chocolate Factory has been suffering some minor chocolate shortages. There are a lot of businesses getting orders that they cannot fill until they get shipment in. There are people simply violent about not having access to this chocolate. Be safe out there Small Threadville."

The station then cuts to a commercial break.

"Oh my god, there are people who are actually going crazy over this chocolate? It is that bad?" Mary said.

"Dad is it true? Is the chocolate factory suffering from shortages?"

"No sweetheart. There hasnt been a shortage, there has been an uptick in sales and distribution. We get out production fast, but people are buying it up way too quickly. I suppose my boss is going to have to increase how much chocolate we make. It can be fixed."

"But, people are going crazy not having this chocolate. Why?"

Richard looked at her as he dabbed his face with a napkin. He shook his head and shrugged.

"I do not know Sarah. I got to talk to Mr. Hubble tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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