chapter 2

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"You're diabetic."

Fuck my life. Maybe it's karma, I was an idiot and forgot to bring an emergency juice with me, and in the Uber coming here I could feel my blood sugar dropping low, and of course, these damn hockey boys wouldn't have random juice boxes- but how am I so unlucky, that I get help from the one college dude on the planet whose head isn't so far up his ass, that he actually knows the symptoms of a low blood sugar? Fuck my life.

"how did you know?"

He shoots me an almost comforting smile. And now is not the time to be thinking about how hot this guy is- I came into his house, started rifling through his cabinets, and he still was nice enough to help me get some sugar and made sure I was okay. It shouldn't be making me feel all warm and fuzzy, but the bar for men is literally in hell, so...

"My best friend had this little sister who was diabetic- I hung around him and his family a lot, and I was kind of friends with her too, so I sort of accidentally learned how diabetes works and stuff."

I chew on the inside of my cheek and fidget with my hands. Great, I'm sitting on the bed of a random hockey boy- who happens to know my biggest secret- and I can't leave for another... twelve damn minutes.

After a second I finally got the courage to speak up.

"Your not- um... gonna tell anyone, right?"

His face fills with confusion.

"Why, is it a secret?"

He smirks, I think he's trying to make a joke, but I'm really not in a joking mood.

"Could you just um- keep this between us?"

He furrows his brows for a second before relaxing his face and nodding- he turns away for a second before turning back to me, holding out his pinky.

"Your secrets are safe with me."

Seeing a massive, burly hockey player hold out his pinky for a pinky promise, actually does make me smile a little. I don't hesitate to wrap my pinky around his so we can shake on it. He lets out a low, masculine laugh, and because I'm a fucking human woman with a brain, it goes straight to my vagina.

"Considering we have now made a sacred pinky promise, I should probably know your name."

"Oh- um, I'm Gwen."

"Gwen. huh- small world, my buddy's sister was named Gwen."


"Yeah, but he and his family live back in Edmonton. I talk to him any time I can, but I haven't seen her in years."

Edmonton... a diabetic girl named Gwen, huh, what are the odds? Same hometown, same-

Shit fuck motherfucker.

My eyes go wide and my heart somehow falls to my stomach.

"This friend of yours... was his name Mason?"

"Yeah, I mean-"

"Mason Carter?"

He squints his eyes a little. "How do you know Mason?"

"He's my fucking brother!"

That little revelation keeps us frozen for a second, and I'm pretty sure I can see the gears in his brain stop working.

"Fuck- Gwen? Gwen Carter?"

I jump off his bed as fast as humanly possible, trying to put as much space between him and me as I can.

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