holly, jolly.

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Maggie May quietly left Steve's house, leaving without seeing Jean or Steve, and headed back home through the dimly lit streets of Hawkins. Her heart was still racing from the night's unexpected events, but the memory of what had transpired would stay with her for a long time.

As she entered her run-down trailer, Maggie hoped to slip inside unnoticed, avoiding any confrontation with her father. However, this did not happen. The moment she stepped through the door, an anxious and enraged Jim Hopper was waiting for her, his frustration and concern etched across his face.

Hopper's voice was stern and disapproving as he began, "Maggie, do you have any idea how worried I've been? You can't just go off to parties and stay out all night without a word. It's not safe."

Maggie May, still feeling the rush of the night's events, tried to play it off nonchalantly. "Dad, it was just a party. I'm fine."

Maggie May's attempt to play off the situation fell flat, and as her father, Jim Hopper, noticed the unfamiliar sweatshirt on her, his anger intensified. He clenched his fists, his voice dripping with fury.

"Whose sweatshirt is that, Maggie?" Hopper demanded, his tone cutting through the air like a knife.

Maggie May, feeling the full force of her father's rage, stammered, "It's Tommy's, Dad. I was just borrowing it. I got cold."

Hopper's eyes blazed with a mix of disappointment and anger. He had a deep-seated concern for his daughter's well-being, and her actions had ignited a fire within him. He lashed out, "You think this is a game, Maggie? You're only thirteen! What were you thinking? You've crossed a line, and you've put yourself in serious trouble."

Maggie May could see her father's face contorted with fury, and it terrified her. She had dreaded seeing him this angry. The weight of her actions was sinking in, and she realised that she had not only disobeyed her father but had also lost her innocence far too soon. The realisation was a harsh and painful one, and it left her feeling a deep sense of regret and guilt.

Hopper's anger loomed over them like an impenetrable cloud, and the consequences of her choices were inescapable. Maggie May had not only defied her father but had also plunged headlong into the perplexing and ominous world of Hawkins, and she was beginning to understand that there was no turning back

The next morning, Maggie May was shocked to find that her father, had neglected to wake her up for school, which left her running late and missing her first period. She felt a mix of frustration and anxiety as she hastily got dressed and hurried to Hawkins Middle School.

Upon her arrival, she was immediately approached by Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. Their faces were etched with concern and urgency, and it was evident that something significant had transpired. They led her to a quiet corner of the schoolyard and began to recount the events of the previous evening.

They had gathered at Mike's house, where, Eleven had led them to the Dungeons & Dragons board, her involvement taking on an uncanny and foreboding significance.

Eleven had picked up the cleric figurine, identifying it as Will, and this revelation sent a chill down their spines. She then turned the game board upside down and placed the cleric figurine on it, proclaiming that Will was "hiding." The mystery deepened when Eleven, with an unsettling calmness, placed the Demogorgon figurine next to the cleric.

Maggie May was left baffled and fearful, as she grappled with the insne connection between Will, Eleven, and the threatening Demogorgon. The implications of Eleven's actions were profoundly disturbing, and she understood that the missing boy was in grave danger.

As they discussed their next steps, they coined the name "Operation Mirkwood," a plan aimed at finding Will and saving him from the clutches of the malevolent Demogorgon. The urgency of their mission hung heavy in the air, and Maggie May, was determined to be an integral part of this rescue for her missing friend and unravel the dark mysteries that had shrouded their town for far too long.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐇 || stranger thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें