trick or treat, freak.

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In the morning, Hopper roused Maggie May from her sleep, signalling the start of a new day and another school day ahead. However, to her surprise, as she looked around the room, she noticed that Eleven's side of the bed was already empty.

Curiosity got the better of Maggie May, and she walked out of the room to investigate. There, she found Eleven draped in a white sheet with two eye holes cut out, a makeshift ghost costume that she had fashioned herself.

As Maggie May prepared breakfast, she overheard a conversation between Eleven and Hopper. Eleven was asking if she could go out on Halloween as a ghost, reasoning that she wouldn't be recognised with a sheet covering her. Hopper, however, refused her request but offered an alternative. He suggested that they spend the evening together, enjoying candy and watching horror movies. Hopper even took the time to explain the concept of a "compromise" to Eleven, and she reluctantly accepted his offer.

This bonding conversation between Eleven and Hopper left Maggie May in a sour mood. Her emotions had been brewing since the previous day, and this display of father-daughter bonding only intensified her frustration. Despite her annoyance, Maggie May went about her morning routine, dressing with a slightly edgy style befitting the spirit of Halloween.

As Hopper drove her to school, he couldn't help but notice that Maggie May was unusually quiet, lost in her thoughts. She didn't even say goodbye when he dropped her off at Hawkins Middle School, a stark contrast to their typical interactions. The complex dynamics and emotions within the family continued to evolve, leaving each of them to navigate the challenges of adolescence and the strains of their relationships in their own way.

As Maggie May made her way through the school halls, she engaged in conversation with her classmates, sharing laughs and anecdotes. Her social circle was expanding, and she was enjoying her growing group of friends.

However, the morning took an unexpected turn when Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will arrived at school. Their arrival sparked a heated argument between Mike and Lucas, revolving around their assigned roles for Halloween. Lucas believed that Mike was trying to make him dress up as Winston Zeddemore from Ghostbusters because of his race, leading to accusations of insensitivity and misunderstanding.

To their chagrin, the group soon realized that they were the only ones who had dressed up for Halloween that day. Their costumes, which had been a source of excitement and anticipation, now only caused embarrassment. Maggie, who had spotted them, couldn't help but laugh at their perceived immaturity, her amusement evident on her face.

Lucas and Maggie abruptly left the scene, heading off to an unknown destination, leaving the boys bewildered and somewhat confused by the situation. In their absence, Dustin was left to ponder whether he should approach Max Mayfield and invite her to join their group. The thought of asking her out was both thrilling and intimidating, and he struggled to work up the courage to make a move.

In the hushed atmosphere of the Hawkins High library, Jean Carlton and Nancy Wheeler sat together, but their moods couldn't have been more different. Nancy remained haunted by the memory of her missing friend, Barb, and her thoughts were consumed by the desire to uncover the truth of what had happened to her.

Jean, on the other hand, had started her day with a pot of weed, which left her in a somewhat spaced-out state. She struggled to focus, and her thoughts wandered aimlessly as the school day moved forward. It was in this state that Steve Harrington noticed her and decided to pull her aside.

Jean confided in Steve, admitting that she was tired of pretending not to know what had happened to Barb. She felt a profound sense of guilt for keeping the truth hidden, especially from Nancy, and the weight of this secret was taking its toll on her.

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