Chap. 1

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We start at the end of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, where Pan pounces onto Gohan.

Gohan chuckles as Pan giggles, giving Gohan a big hug.

Piccolo looks at the scene then smiles, before returning to his usual serious expression, turning to Dr. Hedo and Gamma 1 who are holding the destroyed body of Gamma 2, then recieving a nod from Gamma 1, which he responds to with a nod of his own.

"Up we go!" Gohan says as he tosses Pan into the air, a goofy grin on his face as he does so.

A few seconds later, after the laughter dies down, Piccolo speaks "if those two hadn't helped us, we would be dead right now."

"Cell would've stomped us like bugs. Even if dad and Vegeta were here, we still might not have won." Gohan says as he props Pan up onto his shoulder, with Pan hugging his hair.

Piccolo points at Gohan, stating that Gohan needs to stop slacking "More to the point, Gohan, this is why you need to keep up with your training."

Gohan's eyes widen ever so slightly in realization "Jeez, you're right. I messed up..." Gohan says as he looks down, Pan moving her arms to hug Gohan's head to comfort him.

"And what was that technique? The one you used at the end." Piccolo asks curiosuly, since he has definetly seen something very similiar.

"Well, it was kind of a special beam cannon, I guess?" Gohan says as he puts Pan onto the ground looking up at Piccolo.

"How did you learn it?" Piccolo asks, raising his non-existent eyebrow.

Gohan stands up, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head "y'know... I practiced it in secret..." Gohan says as he lets out a chuckle.

"Hmph" Piccolo grunts, his arms crossed as he turns his back to Gohan "it looked pretty good."

Gohan's eyes widen once more, suprised at the slight praise, smiling as he stares at Piccolo.

We move over to Dr. Hedo and Gamma 1 both crouched down next to Gamma 2's body, with Dr. Hedo holding his hand as he turns into ash particles and evaporates, flying up as the clouds clear slightly, making the ashes shine in a brilliant display as if to thank Gamma 2 for his heroic sacrifice.

Piccolo speaks after watching what had occured, stepping closer to the both of them "he's gone."

Gamma 1 nods, his voice calm but laced with sadness at the loss of his friend and heroic partner "yeah. He died to protect us all... it's a shame"

Piccolo, looking up as the ashes fly into the sun "whatever he did at the end, It was brave."

Gamma 1 grabs onto Gamma 2's torn and dirty cape, clutching it tightly, looking at it as he speaks "he put the last of his energy into a single strike."

"Well it worked." Piccolo quickly follows up, then lowering himself onto the floor next to Dr. Hedo "he weakened Cell enough for us to beat him." putting his hand on Dr. Hedo's back, he continues meeting Dr. Hedo's eyes "Gamma 2 was a real super hero."

Gamma 1 waits a moment before speaking "as for all of you."

Dr. Hedo speaks timidly, looking down at the floor as he speaks "Thank you... the world is safe from peril becuase of you."

Piccolo retracts his hand, speaking as he places his arm on his knee "your creation saved us all."

Dr. Hedo interjects "but I caused this... I'm the one responsible for Cell Max... and number two paid the pruce for my sins..."

A few moments of silence pass, as Krillin and Android 18 walk closer, Krillin speaking as he places his hands on his hips "the Red Ribbon Army tricked you into it though."

Dr. Hedo, still looking down, shakes his head "no, I mostly knew they were the bad guys, but I wanted funding for my research."

Krillin tries to continue "Yeah bu-" then Android 18 bumps her hip onto him, making him stumble to the side and sigh as he stays quiet.

Bulma steps closer, joining the conversation "putting all that aside, I have no idea how you're still alive."

Dr. Hedo looks up at Bulma "my skin is able to withstand a considerable amount of impact, thanks to my modifications."

Bulma raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms "wait, your skin? Ugh. Not to be rude, but yuck"

In cannon, where Fat Gotenks usually comments on Bulam using the Dragon Balls to modify her own skin, instead it's Trunks who says it, as they had fused earlier, making their defuse time a little earlier aswell.

"Trunks, did I really just here you say that?" Bulma says as she turns, only for Trunks to point at Goten and chuckle akwardly.

Bulma sighs at her sons antics, looking at Goten "Ugh. Goten, while I've got you, how about we don't tell your mom about today? If she found out I invited you to this fight, she would kill me."

Goten puts his hand up and straightens his posture, giving a saluta "'kay!"

Bulma shifts her gaze to Dr. Hedo "hey, it was Dr. Hedo, right? What are you planning to do now?"

Dr. Hedo stands up "I'm going t9ntake Gamma 1, and turn myself over to the police."

Now, we have achange in perspective, while everybody talks with Dr. Hedo, Goten pulls Gohan aside, having a question.

"Hey, big bro, i've got a question" Goten saysz looking up at Gohan.

"Hm? Go right ahead Goten, what is it?" Gohan asks curiously, raising an eyebrow as he lets pan down and she leaves the two alone.

Goten clenches his fist, speaking loudly, the excitement not difficult to see with his enthusiastic response "that new form! How'd you get it?!"

Gohan chuckles akwardly, rubbing the back of his head with one hand as the other rests on his hip "I... actaully don't know. Sorry."

Goten frowns "how do you not know you're own form? Eh, whatever, i'll find my own cool form!" Goten states prudly, oumping his chest as he puts his hands on his hips, grinning widely.

Gohan smiles proudly, ruffling Gotwn's hair "hey, once you do, would you care to spar? I've been lacking on my training a lot, so i'll need a strong rival to help me push my limits."

Goten's mouth opens as he hears Gohan speak, more so suprised at the idea of not only Gohan fighting, but to ask HIM to become his rival, it makes Goten shoot a thumbs up "of course! But don't be jealous when you see that my form is way cooler!"

Then, both Gohan and Goten laughs with eachother, looking up at the sunset, seeing an image of Goku shooting a thumbsup at the both of them, knowing that their dad is watching them, makes the moment even more tender, showcasing their brotherly bond.

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