Chapter 45

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James and I walked to a small cafe near the flat to catch up a bit seeing as we had barely seen each other in what felt like forever. We decided to go out since Dan was working on a video and Phil and Adeline were being all cute and couply which I'm sure James didn't enjoy. He really liked Phil and loved seeing Addy with such a great guy, but I don't think he appreciated the PDA considering she was his sister. I guess it's kind of like how Phil is with Dan and I, although I don't think that ever makes us less sickeningly sweet. We entered the cafe and ordered some drinks, an iced coffee for me and a cappuccino for him, then found some seats by the window.

"So are you excited for your last semester in high school?" James asked.

"I'm excited to finish my last semester," I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Yeah, I totally understand that, but aren't you looking forward to your new school?"

I shrugged. "Kind of, I mean it'll be way better than my old one, but I'm just ready for it to be all over."

"When do you start?"

"In a week," I told him.

He took a drink of his cappuccino then asked, "So have you thought of what you're going to do after school?"

"I've applied to a few colleges, but I'm still not sure on my major," I told him. I was then interrupted by my phone going off. I looked at the caller i.d. and saw Lila's name come up. I rolled my eyes and declined it.

"What's up? Who was that?" James asked.

I shook my head. "It was my ex best friend who I don't want to talk to."

"Why not?"

"She's the one who told on Joanna and almost got me in a shitload of trouble."

"But I thought nothing ended up happening.  If it all worked out why are you still mad at her?"

I sighed. "I told her not to tell anyone and she still did. Do you know how bad it would've been if Joanna had done what she said she was going to?"

"But she didn't, and because of her doing that you're back in London and don't have to deal with her. Shouldn't you be happy she did that?"

"I am, but that doesn't excuse that she did what I asked her not to. Plus I wouldn't ever see her anymore anyways."

"You could still talk to her though."

"What the point if she's hours away and we could never actually hang out?"

"I was hours away when you went back to school and you still talked to me."

"But that's different."


"It just is," I told him. "Plus you live near my brother and boyfriend. Obviously I'd visit and see you."

"She lives near your parents. Obviously when you visit you may see her."

I rolled my eyes. "I just don't want to talk to her okay? Lay off," I said annoyed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you. I just think it's pointless to stop talking over one small incident that made things better in the long run."

"I understand it's stupid, but what's done is done, and we're no longer friends so let's just talk about something else."

He nodded. "How have things been now that you're back in London?"

"It's been great. I'm so relieved my parents let me come back."

"I'm really glad they let you come back too," he smiled.

We finished our coffees and decided to walk around the park. We found a bench and I wiped the snow off to sit down. James instead took a handful of snow and threw it at me. I playfully glared at him before picking up my own snowball and throwing it at him as well. Before I knew it we were in an all out snowball fight. We both smiled and laughed as we continued throwing snowballs at each other. I had really missed things like this. After about ten minutes of our constantly taunting each other and throwing snowballs we sat down breathlessly on the bench.

"Well that was certainly fun beating you in a snowball fight," he laughed.

"Beating me? I obviously hit you more than you hit me!" I said nudging him playfully.

He rolled his eyes smiling. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"You just don't want to admit defeat."

"Oh yeah, sure that's obviously it," he said sarcastically.

"It totally is," I nodded giggling. We sat there for a minute in silence until I asked, "So how have things been with you and Addy?"

"It's been good! A lot better lately, especially now that Phil and Adeline are an item. She really has seemed a lot happier," he grinned.

"Yeah, her and Phil both have! They really are the perfect couple."

He nodded. "How are you and Dan?"

"Really good! It's been nice being able to spend time with him now that I'm back."

"Yeah, I bet."

"What about you? Do you have anyone special that you haven't told me about?"

He shook his head grinning slightly. "Not at the moment."

"Well, do you have anyone you like or something?"

He looked at me. "There is someone but I don't think it would work out."

"Why not?" I questioned.

"She's not exactly looking for a boyfriend right now."

"That sucks, but you're a great guy. I'm sure she'd love for you to be her boyfriend when she is looking for one," I smiled.

He shrugged looking back down. "Eh maybe. I'd hope so."

"Well, I know so," I said matter-of-factly.

He chuckled shaking his head. "Of course you do."

Then a cold gust of wind hit us, and I shivered pulling my jacket tightly around me. "Do you want to go ahead and head back to the flat?" I asked.

James nodded. "Yeah, we probably should plus it's pretty chilly."

We stood up and made our way back to the flat. When we walked in we were greeted with Adeline and Phil making out on the couch.

James grimaced. "Wow such a great welcome guys," he muttered as they quickly jumped apart looking quite embarrassed. 

"Umm s-sorry," Phil stuttered obviously not knowing what to say.

I laughed lightly then my phone began going off again.  I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller i.d. to once again see Lila's name. I sighed and James glanced at me.

"Is it her again?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Are you going to answer it this time?"

I shrugged still trying to decided what would be the best decision.

"There's no harm in just seeing what she has to say."

"I guess you're right," I sighed answering the call. "Hello?"

A/N Hey! I've actually updated two days in a row! Hopefully I can continue with that pattern or at least every other day :) Anyways don't forget to comment/vote/follow and if you may have missed in my last note I'm doing a cover contest for the book. The details are at the end of the last chapter, and since some may not have Twitter you can email it to me too. My email is infinitely.young21/@/ (no slashes btw, it just wouldn't let me type the at sign without them)

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