Chapter 28

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Christina's POV

Dan, Phil, James and I sat in the lounge eating dinner. It was still a little awkward with Dan and I's confrontation at lunch, but he had lightened up. I tried to convince him that James really was a great guy, and now here we all were sitting in an uncomfortable silence.

"So James, do you have a girlfriend?" Phil asked to get to know him better.

"Not right now no. I recently broke up with my ex girlfriend this summer actually," he said sadly.

"What happened?" Dan asked.

"One of her friends, I guess, called me on her phone and told me she had been cheating on me."

"That must have been terrible," I said. "I broke up with my ex boyfriend, Bryce, because he cheated on me and with my best friend."

"Bryce? That's funny. That was the name of the guy who had called me and told me," he said laughing slightly at the coincidence.

I suddenly had an idea. "Wait, your ex.. what was her name?"

"Jo," he responded. "Why?"

"Jo? As in Joanna?" How did I not think of this? The night she called me flashed through my mind. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, James. It was her boyfriend who lived in London, who she only got to see when she visited her dad on weekends, who none of us had never met so we didn't know what he looked like. We just knew he was a senior at a different school, like this James was. It couldn't be..

"By any chance, did she only get to visit on weekends?" I interrogated as Dan and Phil looked incredibly confused.

"Yeah, she lived with her mom so she'd go to see her dad on weekends her in London. How did you know that?"

My breath halted for a moment. "Because I think you're Joanna was my best friend who my ex boyfriend, the one who apparently called you, cheated on me with."

"Oh my gosh," he said quite a bit shocked at this connection.

Nobody said anything for a moment. "Small world, I guess," I laughed awkwardly.

He nodded a grin appearing.

"Well, that was a big coincidence," Dan said joining the conversation once again. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall. "It's getting pretty late."

James did the same. "Oh yes, I should probably get going. I'll see you guys later?"

I nodded before standing up to walk him out. "Bye," I smiled.

"Bye," he said hugging me quickly then walking out closing the door behind him.

I sat back down on the couch where Dan put his arm around me.

"I never would have guess James would have dated Joanna," I said truthfully.

"I wouldn't have either," Phil added. He had known Joanna. We had been friends since Primary School and she used to be at our house all the time. For a while before Phil had left she had had a crush on him. Of course that obviously wouldn't have worked considering she was eight and he was about fifteen or sixteen.

"Oh my gosh. Remember when we were little and Jo-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. "One second."

I got up hitting answer and walking into the hallway by my room.


"Hey, Christina," I heard my mom say.

"Umm, hi mum. Is there any reason you're calling?" I asked seeing how that could have sounded rude. "Not that I don't want to talk to you. I was just wondering."

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