Chapter 57

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Chrissy's POV

I woke up feeling Dan's arms around me; we must've fallen asleep after he came to check on me. My heart fluttered with content and I didn't want to move so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep to savor the moment longer. It was the first time in a long time I felt at peace; my mind wasn't rushing a hundred miles a minute and everything inside of me was calm. I felt Dan start to stir and he pulled me closer placing a sleepy kiss on top of my forehead. I snuggled closer into his chest. I think both of us knew the other was awake but we didn't want to show it and put an end to the moment.

My peaceful thoughts were interrupted as I heard a knock on my door.

"Chrissy, someones here to see you," my brother said from the other side of the door.

I groaned sitting up as Dan started to open his eyes and stretch his long limbs.

"Good morning," he said as he sat up trying to hide the blush on his face by not looking me in the eyes.

"Morning," I said feeling awkward not knowing if I should address him staying in here and cuddling as we slept.

He rubbed the back of his neck obviously also feeling awkward. "Sorry I guess I fell asleep last night."

"It's totally okay," I smiled at the thought of waking up in his arms. "Thanks for checking up on me last night."

"Of course. You know I'm always going to be here for you," he told me sincerely.

We were both quiet for a moment before I spoke up still in that sleepy daze that gets rid of your filter for a moment. "I miss you."

He looked surprised at the bluntness of my confession and a little confused. "Chrissy, I'm right here."

"No like I miss you and me. I miss us," the nervousness made an appearance in the bottom of my stomach as I realized the weight of my confession.

A huge smile appeared on Dan's face. "You do?"

I nodded. "Of course I do. You have no idea how much I wish we could take back that fight. I said all of those things out of anger but then it was too late to fix it."

"I wish I could take it back too," he revealed. "I thought you had moved on first with that other guy and then with James."

"Neither of them could ever replace you. That guy was just a drunken mistake when I was missing you and there's still never been anything between James and I... at least not from my side of things. I'm so sorry I never listened to you; you were right," I said looking down at my hands still upset about the confrontation with James.

Dan took my hands in his, "Chrissy, it's completely okay. I was just jealous and I shouldn't have brought it up as much as I did."

I sat there for a second looking at my hands in his fully realizing how much I missed his company. "Can I kiss you?" I asked quietly.

He lifted my chin and met his gaze to mine before softly pressing his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss as butterflies erupted in my stomach.

Our actions were cut short as there was another knock at my door. "Chrissy, are you awake?" my door opened and Dan and I quickly let go of each other.

Phil stood in the door way looking confused. "Oh Dan, I didn't realize you were up," he said his brows furrowed. "Or in here.."

We both glanced at each other our cheeks going red. "Um y-yeah, I came in here last night to check on her and we must've fallen asleep."

He nodded looking skeptical. "Well anyways, Chrissy, James is here to talk to you."

"Oh um, I'll be out in a minute," I said surprised that James had shown up this morning. I wasn't even sure what to say to him or what he'd say to me.

Phil nodded walking away leaving my door partially open.

I sighed laying back on the bed. "It's too early for this," I sighed.

Dan ran a hand through my hair comfortingly, "I'm sure everything will be okay and how about after we go out for some breakfast."

"That would be amazing," I smiled. I sat back up and swung my feet over the edge of the bed. "I guess I shouldn't keep him waiting any longer."

"Probably not," he said hugging me from behind and giving me a kiss on the cheek. It's almost as if we hadn't ever been apart, and it made my heart flutter.

I stood up giving him a small smile and went into the living room to see James sitting on the couch nervously fiddling with his hands.

"Hey, " I said quietly getting his attention as I sat down on the chair next to him.

He looked up at me with a timid smile. "Hey."

I decided to cut right to the chase knowing I was going to have a good day with Dan no matter how this conversation turned out. "So why are you here?"

He seemed taken aback at the straight forward question. "I really wanted to talk to you about what happened between us and I'm sorry I'm here so early I just couldn't stop thinking about it and I had to talk to you."

"What else do you have to say?"

He paused for a moment gathering his thoughts. "I'm really sorry about kissing you. I really don't know why I did it in the moment. I guess I didn't want to wait any longer without you knowing how I really felt but my timing was a bit off."

"A bit? I had just finished pouring my heart out to you about my feelings for another guy and you decided then was the time to make a move. James, you've been my best friend and now everything so confusing."

"I know and I'm sorry. I never wanted to lose you as a friend I just want everything to go back to how it was," he confessed.

"You know that after that things aren't going to go back to how they were before," I told him sorrowfully.

 He looked down at his lap. "I know that. I just don't want to lose you as a friend. I can't promise that my feelings are going to go away but I can promise that I'll respect your decision and be a better friend to you. I'm sorry for making everything more confusing."

I sat there for a moment trying to think of what to say, what decision to make but nothing came to me. "I'm going to need some time."

He nodded still not looking me in the eyes before he got up. "I understand that. I really am sorry and I hope that this won't change much between us because I'd still consider you my best friend."

And with that, he walked out of the flat leaving me to think about everything we just said. While he was an amazing person and I loved having a best friend like him I didn't know how things could go back to how they were before the kiss. There would always be that awkwardness that surrounded his feelings and my lack of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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