Here there are no good byes

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I always know what's going to happen. Unless I don't. That's why I come here. This island, as small as you can see it, will hold the world's future. And I will make sure it goes my way.

My way has many ways, of course. I am resilient. I am efficient because I am old.

I always like to be early to the main events.

There will be more like me here, of course. We thrive in these places, in these moments. We thrive, yes.

But not all of us will come here to help. Some will come to attack us; some will come to see us fail. I like the world. I like its freedom. I like how it rumbles.

But I must be careful; I always fall in love in moments of need. Always.

Yes, I am a woman. But I don't always fall in love with men. I've been around for oh so long. Oh, so long. It's easy. It's hard. It's whatever I wanted it to be. Here? Now? Will see. It will be dire, I am sure.

This place is new to me though. I know the world, but not all its small corners. And boy, is this corner special.

I hate Christmas. I just do. Maybe it is because I am always alone. Well, not always, but that is another story...

Today is about now and what is to come. We must hold the future. Or else...

I don't even want to think about it. They say good always prevails. But I know that is not true. It hardly ever is. There is famine, there is disease, there is poverty... and, well, there is us.

We vampires don't see things eye to eye. We have immortality, but some of us want more, so much more.

I must hold my needs. I must be strong in these challenging times. I will live off dogs, cats, mice, and rats for as long as it takes. Only in times of freedom will I hunt.

But it is not my appetite that worries me. It is my heart. My weak and treacherous heart.

I trust my willpower, though. After so many years, it is firm as a rock. It never fails me. We will thrive. We will succeed.

I will be fine in this tiny apartment outside the city. Nobody will look here. Nobody will care. I will be fine as a woman, too. Nobody will see me come. Not our troops nor the enemies.

Oh, but my people, my people do worry me. They can destroy everything so quickly, so fast. I must find my allies fast. I know, here, we can change everything. Not everybody will know this. Others will go to Russia, France, England, Africa, Italy. Not me.

I will change the world from here. 


So, things are going as expected. Things are calm. Almost tourist-like. Although, I can see from looking into the eyes of the inhabitants of this island that some people know. Some mothers know, and some parents know what is coming.

Some will see victory day, some won't. But I don't believe that it is my fault. If it were for me, we would always have peace. We would always have harmony.

I met an ally today. And older man, Sebastian. I, of course, told her mine: Federica. Federica Hines. He, Sebastian, is aged for his type, not for mine. So he knows things. Maybe not as much as me, but then again, how much can you know?

I caught him looking at me. First, I got worried. I thought maybe I was giving myself up, like a novice. But it was just my face, my worried face. He knew I knew what was coming. When I looked at him, I knew he knew, too.

"Who are you?" he asked me. Who am I? Oh boy, what a question. I wanted to answer him wholly and honestly. But I lied.

"A friend", I told him.

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