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As I walked to my home of the moment, I started shivering. I've never been so vulnerable during the day before. It was something new, something ugly, something terrible. I didn't like it one bit. I also knew I had no choice. What else could I do? But trust the process. Where else could I go? But trust, my annoying comrade wouldn't betray me.

My hole wasn't far and wasn't pretty. But it was dark, and it was close, and it was hidden—enough for me.

As I lay in my tomb, I couldn't stop thinking about something being awfully wrong with this.

When I woke up, all my nightmares came true.

"Federica," said Romina.

I saw Romina, the dark figure, who now, I could see, was a woman, and Kristof, who was tied up and looking very blue.

"Dear god," I said.

"Dear god? Romina said you were different. But never said you were stupid different," said the dark figure.

"Oh, by the way, meet Tanasica; I am sure you two are going to hit it off great," said Romina.

"Tanasica," I said, as even Kristof looked up to her now with a name on his face.

"At your service," said Tanasica, doing a little reverence, mocking us for sure.

"So you got us. Great for you," I said, trying to mock them in return, although I knew I was being stupid.

"We know you, little brat. We know how you think and process information; you weren't going to get us this time; I made sure of that," said Romina.

"You are so smart I am impressed; I might even give you a little kiss," I said, angry as hell at waking up to this.

"Little bitches, no kisses, remember. You know, you are such a disappointment, Federica," said Tanasica.

"I know, I know, we could all rule the world and eat like queens, but I don't get it," I said.

"Oh, but you do. You know, under my kingdom, the world has flourished. People have accomplished their dreams. This war is just a little tweak in the system," said Tanasica.

They kept returning to the point where things weren't so bad. I was getting confused.

"We will eliminate your reign of terror," said Kristof.

"Oh, I forgot you were here," said Tanasica.

"I am. I am here; we are getting close to you," continued Kristof.

"I hate it when I can't have fun. Listen, yes, you are on to me, but we are on to you too. You have been disturbing our plans for far too long. This ends today, Federica, my dear," said Tanasica.

Suddenly, we heard voices and solid and annoying lights from the outside.

"We know you are there. We are going in," said from outside a familiar voice.

Suddenly, Jacopo, military men, and even Lem and Josef entered.

"Buggers. Time to go, my love," said Tanasica.

And like that, they disappeared.

"Are you alright?" said Jacopo.

"I think so. I might need psychological assistance, but other than that, I am fine," I answered.

"That is very funny," said Jacopo, understandably annoyed by my answer.

"We have a name, at least; at last," I said, trying to change the subject.

"What name?" said Jacopo, not knowing what had happened.

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