the day after

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                             harry was training for the tri-wizards torment when Ron ran in the room. everyone looked suprised but scared  "what are you guys staring at" Ron said angerly. Luna went up to him. "show me your arm Ron" she whispered. "what are you talking about" Luna grabed his arm and rolled his sleave up and saw the dark mark "omg Ron why would you do this" if she wants a bad boy she can get one. "RON SHE DIDNT KNOW" Luna yelled before smacking her lips shut. Hermione looked confused "she didnt know what Ron?" Ron smiled creepily and showed his arm to her "that i liked you enough to do this" Hermione looked at Ron "no.... you wouldnt" she got brought back by everything that has happiend "you wanted a bad boy so here i am" Ron started laughing then looked at harry and grabed his arm "what are you doing Ron" i need Voldemort here now. harry pushed him off of him 

"get off of me" 

"no this is your fault you knew how much i liked her"

"Ron we can fix this it doesnt have to end this way"

"you knew and you still dated her wtf is wrong with you"

"ok lets calm down"

ron took off a cover for this mirror and he picked up his wand and made a light and when he did Voldemort appeared "HARRY POTTER, your days are numbered now that ive got your own best freind on my side" harry was taken back by his statement "NO, YOU WOULDNT" Voldemort started laughing "oh but i would, you see hes under my control now so if i want him to kill you he will." harry was in shock. luna not knowing what to say started stuttering  "i- i- i- i wont l-l-l wont let you" Voldemort luaghed psychotically "aw your scared i like that" Voldemort left the merroir and ron put his wand down. everyone not knowing what to say after this just stared until harry looked up and said "but ron why would you turn against us" Ron looked angary and left the room everyone was completely silent after that almost heartbreaking to say the least. Hermione went to ron and said "ron may we talk" she said quietly "about what" he said aggressively 

"did you like me?" 


"oh im far from that trust me"


"i loved you too" ron in complete shock of this said "then why, why would you kiss him and not me" Hermione looking concerned said "i didnt know the feelings were mutual" he looked at her "do you still love me even tho im a bad boy now" "i miss the old you" she said quietly this threw ron in a rampage he couldnt contain himself "YOU WHAT I DID ALL THIS OR YOU AND YOU STILL CANT APREATITE IT" she looked at him backing away slowly "ron lets be civil about this" ron pulled out his wand "oh no you will love me" she tried to run but got hit with a love spell and acted differently and ron acted like nothing happend. he looked at her when she fell becuse of the spell and he picked her book up for her "oh im sorry you droped this" and she looked up and said "sorry i triped" and he looked t her with love in his eyes

 "its ok' 

"ron may i confess something"

"of course you can" 

"i really like you"

"i really like you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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