Chapter 6 : Fool's Paradise

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The next day, I felt stronger and more confident than any day beforehand. Getting up out of my bed, my body asked for a shower, so I answered. I recycled a sleeveless collared lace shirt and a black skirt. My hair was a tangled mess, so I put it into a fish-tail braid and pinned my bangs back. Today would be a day to remember, having everyone meet Wheatley, and possibly announce a relationship. Therefore, I wore my mother's almost ancient necklace. The chain had been repaired and polished mysteriously (since Alli wouldn't tell me who did it, I guessed it was Wheatley).

"Good morning, Mount Royal! Here to face the world in this event today, is Miss Ayumi Ackerman! Standing four feet and eleven inches tall, ninety pounds, she is the fiercest competitor yet!" I flexed my muscles and laughed to myself silently. One day, I would be in a sanatorium for insane old ladies.

"Ayumi! Hurry down, we have to get the table ready for when everyone comes over!" Alli yelled up the stairs. I almost forgot that our monthly brunch was today. It was when all of us came together for pancakes, bacon and other breakfast type items. This time, we'd have a special guest!

"Coming! Make sure you don't get the sugar mixed up with the salt when making the omelets, otherwise you'll make Neol have a terrible flashback." I replied, zipping down the stairs. A blast of steam fumed into my face when I walked through the kitchen. It seemed like Alli and Wheatley were having issues...coordinating with each other in their work spaces.

"Move over, you're in my space!" Alli muttered. Her pancakes looked more like printer paper, and where the scent of bacon was, burnt fat slapped you in the face. What else could go wrong?

"Miss Ackerman, could you run down to the corner store and buy us some more eggs and sausage? I'm afraid we have a shortage." Wheatley requested, looking like he was about to burst with frustration.

"Yeah, no problem. Be back in a few!" I cheered as his wallet flew into my hands. I skipped outside to my motorcycle and jumped on, not a moment to be spared. Friends would arrive soon, and time was wasting.

Soon I was at the checkout of the Miss Martain's Grocery Plaza, paying for the items. My head was throbbing, like the beginning of a bad headache. I shrugged it off, since I hadn't eaten anything yet.

"That's gonna be four dollars and twenty cents, sweetheart." The cashier said. I snapped out of my trance and handed it over.

"Be careful on your way out, hon, you look a little pale. Sure you don't want me to call a cab for ya?" The little old lady asked, a concerned look on her face.

"N-No, I'll be fine. Thank you, though," I spoke quickly and headed for the door. A tall gentleman with dark eyes and blond hair slammed it open and almost hit me.

"Watch where you're walking, punk," He grimaced. The stranger's eyes almost looked dark red, but it must've been the sunlight.

"Maybe you should figure out how doors and courtesy works in the real world..." I spat at him, gripping my keys so hard it hurt my hand.

Only half way to the Harley Davidson, someone had twisted my arm back.

"Watch your mouth, you little smartmouth, I know where you live."

Kicking back, I nailed my strangler in his shins, making him let go and fall back. Sadly, he saw it coming and used his nails to dig into my face. When I turned, it was the man I had just sassed. "Freaking what?!" I thought. "This guy is insane!"

Not waiting for him to recover, I mounted the vehicle and buzzed off, ignoring the fact blood was streaming down my neck.

. . .

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