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I seem to lose consciousness again. Next thing I know, I'm falling...Remember, falling...Why did I fall?

The cave! This cave. I still lie on my side, slits of my eyes opening, and then back into my "WHY?"

I remember climbing, dragging everything up from my camp...the rope...hands wet...all covered in blood...my blood. The blisters, they couldn't hold on...

I fell.

Then the pain.

Big hairy creature, carrying me.

Hair in my mouth.

My head feels like it's exploding.

I hang upside down...banging...banging against the white, terrible fur.

It's softer, though, a nice place to hang.

I come to with shock—still my face buried and my mouth spitting hair.
The stench.

And I want to scream.

But I don't.


* * *

I think I am dreaming, I next recall. Still upside down, I talk to the creature. "You're all white!"


My mouth fills with fur from its back.

"Thank you!" I continue. "You'll be my number one angel for this!"

Bump goes my head.

"If I live."

"I'm Second," the angel replies.

I spit more fur out, hold my head up and away. "Is this supposed to hurt?" I struggle to say. "I thought it would feel all floaty and such."

I notice my hands cling to its legs. More fur. It's long.
"Why are you furry?" It's hard to breathe. "I'm choking." I struggle a bit, and it hurts more, and I stop.

"I'm Second," the angel says again.

I writhe. "Just don't drop me!"

The creature climbs faster, and faster. Me? I go bang, bang, my head, relentlessly, throbbing, not sure how I am getting air now at all.

I realize where my hands grip fur, it ripples with muscles beneath, powerful muscles, solid ones. My blood vessels feel like bursting in my temples.


A really big bang, as the furry thing plonks me down. A cliff on the rocks, a cave overhang, swims in my vision above me, and then I focus on him.

"You're not attractive!" I mumble.

"I am Second," he says without offense.

"Not attractive, Second!" I gasp, trying to breathe and study him with only one of my eyes, so my head will not go all black again.

"You aren't attractive either," the fur face replies, "but I'll try not to look."

He's busy with something on the ground. I think about how I probably appear, and I decide he makes a fair point.

"You didn't bring any food, did you?" I try.

He snorts. "No food."

I don't have time to ask more, as the furry thing—I call him The Fur in my head—grabs my ankles, and I am dragged into the cave.


Duh, duh, duh... 👀
🤗 Stay tuned...

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