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Not sure if this is now the same day or the next one, my eyes barely open, I'm extra groggy.

I'm seeing sideways... My blue plastic pistol, back, laying in front of me on...

But I don't see Second. No ground! Don't feel I can move.

Everything's numb and fuzzy. I hear voices...

"Is the animal gone?"

"Yes, sir. We believe so."

"Has equipment arrived?"

"It's here. And they've found the pyramid now. Did you want me to let them know you'll be joining them, sir?"

I wake up. It's no longer the place I had been. I wake to a lab coat with a head peering out of its top at me. I lie on a cot. The head's tilting off to one side—is that compassion? It's a comforting trick, but I feel like a child. That was in training! I remember. This is for a rescue of men in distress.

"It's all right, soldier. You are safe now. What's your name, son?"

"I'm—" I rasp, barely shaking my head, "—don't...know..."

"Can you remember anything that happened?"


"No problem. Just relax. Of course. You take your time. I'll be right back."

And the two men exit the tent.

I hear them talking outside...

"So, where are we now?"

"Community and Engineering have both been apprised. Your cohorts are being collected; and Tactical's en route."

"We don't need them all underfoot!"

"No way round it, sir."

"And the medics?"

"Here. And they brought all you asked for. Tactical's ordered biohazard preparations by 0600."

I just make out the doctor's reply of annoyance, when their voices trail off.

Seizing my moment, a mirror set up in this tent, I spiff myself up enough to get by.

I slip from the med-tent and pass several others, round the back along a short row. Then I notice a sentry stationed in the front. This tent though is dark and silent. No one's nearby.

I greet the soldier with barely a nod. My attire's rank says, "Lieutenant."

"Evening, Sir."

I simply pass by, without any response. The soldier follows me into the dark.

"Let me get that, Sir." He clicks on a lamp and hands me a note.

I nod and proceed to a chair, ostensibly to check the note over, while the sentry leaves. I toss the paper aside then, and scramble.

A few moments later, I've rations stuffed into a vest, small med kit, no water, but rubber hose—who's ever tent this is, needs his injections—and radio clipped onto my belt, but best...a watertight, hard shell with contents of something. I hope this to be monitoring equipment, now under my arm.

I'm dismissive on my way out. "Evening, Soldier."

"Sir." He's terse at attention.

I walk away, transferring the case to my hand, then have a thought, I turn.

"Were there signs we've caught sight of civilians? The ones who were lost?"

He looks at me funny, but for only a flash, then says, "I don't think so, sir."

I plan to continue my ruse, but he adds, "Last party came across some fellow in Brownsville. Unharmed, I believe, but squirrely, from sighting the...creature.
Sorry, sir. Don't know what we call them."

"Nothing, Soldier. You called them nothing."

"Sir." And the soldier seems to regret volunteering.

Heart racing, but calm on the outside, I find a corner...turn right. And I am into the dark.

I manage to stumble two hundred feet further on to the desert, where I then stop and listen...

Any faint clues? I can't make a noise.

Second? Where can you be?

* * *

I keep moving all night, nervous time passing at my various stops. Each occasion I carry the case, it bangs me. I'm bruised. It seems to weigh more, but I don't slow till I find a windblown hollow beneath a boulder, at the edge of a slope.

I think I take the time to pass out.

* * *

"No. More. Sun! Take it back!" I struggle hard against sand...knowing the ground will improve when I get further upslope.

Case tied with paracord, I try to hang on...focus on feet. Now a bigger lurch, stumble...The cloud I just had is gone—and sun reappears.

"Try. You can do it!" I order myself, but the winds throw dry dust until I'm eventually forced to shelter behind another rise with some boulders.

I made it this far. I hug the case and remember this isn't Second! And I try to look back. I can no longer see the tents, or any soldiers. No crevasse. And no huge, hairy lumps on the horizon, either. The desert is empty.

But I've done it! I am out of sight. And I won't stay long.

My head blurs...

I think I watch Second, breathing up and down as the moon peaks between clouds bursting sideways in a sudden flash storm, but there—he's brought water—just enough water to gather if I use a silver foil blanket...

I mumble. "Drink all of this and the foil can be a roof of our shelter for days. We can't store it..."

But Second's not here. Still the wind whistles, and I swear he is talking but...no.

Then I hear bellows. Those aren't from Second!

Again, I think Second jumps and runs, pounding his chest, toward the shadowy beast; and then, as I squint, he submerges his face in the gigantic neck, while a huge trunk pops up and trumpets, then slaps down to hug him...

I shake my head. They are now near. Is one big eye questioning me? I sink down and hide. I blink, then pass out...

In and out...until...

I fall asleep.


And what are your thoughts about Custer's behaviour now?

How is this story shaping up?

This chapter was a bit longer this time. We're wondering if the previous chapters' length has been too short to provide enough interest? What do you think?

Be warned ~ Once we finish posting all six character introductions, we'll be wanting to learn which characters' stories we should continue or whether our introductions already stand well enough left alone, providing curiosity pieces, adding extra insights to the world we've created. Hope you'll let us in on your thoughts! 💭

 Hope you'll let us in on your thoughts! 💭

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